Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to school?

Gawd! I was silly!

My first post in 2010 was a failure when I actually published my post stating that its my first day in 2009 instead of 2010.=X Looks like I gotta get use to the brand new year.

Anyhow, while most of you will be back to school today(you kindergarten, primary and high school children), I headed back to school as well. Today is my first day working with the kids and I must say, they are a pretty handful bunch. There were a lot of screaming, wailing, yelling, banging, running around and more wailing and screaming from the children and me having to wipe tears after tears, getting the kids to make a circle and cracking my head to think of a nursery songs and it turns out that I've forgotten MOST of the songs that I've sung when I was lil except for "Twinkle twinkle little star," "London Bridgë," and something?=X

Laugh all you want.=___= Since I am looking after the four year olds, there were alot of crying in the morning. In the class that I am assigned to look after, there were like 2 kids who needs their mothers to be there, another 3 who cried, one was a screamer and I've met another screamer later in the noon when the infants came along.

When I said screamer, I mean it.
Its not literally screaming but REAL SCREAMING! And its ear piercing type of screaming. There's this little girl who had to spend the entire morning by the principle side since she was crying and she didn't wanna settle down with the others. There's this little girl name, Heidi who cried for her big brother during Drama and Speech class and later she cried because she's hungry and it was an hour before her break time.

So knowing me, having no experience with little children as young as her and not knowing what to do when they cry, I can only try to talk her into not crying.=___=
It doesn't work anyway. LOL! Kids these days are too smart to be fooled by speeches(way to go kiddies). We ended up having to ask Ryan, her big bro to join her for her lesson and when she needs her break cause she's hungry, since we havta wait for an hour more for their break, I resort to distracting her with some other things like asking her to join the circle and stuff?

I know I phail as a teacher or as a nanny or whatever.

I got back home today and asked my mom if I did cried on my first day of school since I couldn't recall how am I like back then. She said when comes to placing us kids with strangers we were all well behaved? Then again, maybe its because of our fear for strangers=X LOL!

Well, I guess its the first day of school for some of them after all. And they need to adjust to the new environment but there were a few who came in crying but after spending time with them, they seemed to cope on well with the rest.

Nope, no students stopped going to school because of me...YET.
No kids cried because of me..YET=X
No kids are afraid of me..YET(its more like I am afraid of them, but of course it wasn't obvious!)

Those little koalas kids are adorable! But they are not gonna change my mind to have one for my own next time=p

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