Sunday, September 27, 2009

Educating others? Hrm..?

There's no use trying to educated people..
Who doesn't want to be educated..
No matter how ignorantly stupid they appeared to be,
And no matter what information you try to share with them,
They brushed you off like a tick on their body,
Not knowing they are being a pest of the world..
By ignoring the fact that they need to be educated.
All you can do is..
To feel sorry for them..
Since they are not feeling sorry for themselves,
Thats the most you can do for such ignorantly imbeciles.

I've met a lot of such people,
At the same time..
I am blessed to know people who savour every bits of knowledge given to them...
Sad to say that,
These people are mostly adults or some other elder people I came across with.
As for the people of my age?
There are a handful..
At the same time..
I can't help but to notice,
That there are a lot of them that,
Prefers to live an ignorant life which all involves me, myself and I.

I am not trying to say how good am I just because I will never want myself to be as ignorant as some people appears to be,
Everything new to me are what I call it knowledge,
And it'll comes handy regardless of what I want to do later in the future.
I can't feeling sorry and disgusted knowing how ignorant some people are.

That reminds me,
Reading an article based on gender bias,
Which obviously,
Our dearest Malaysia,
Practised that trait till today..
True there are some families that let the girls do all the housework,
While the guys have their way of running away from house chores,
(Thank gawd we weren't raised like that!)
But I must say my brother might tend to go out of control,
Strutting his way at home,
Only wash his own dishes after dinner,
And leave the rest to me to help my mom out with it..
Then again,
Looking at my dad helping out in most of the house chores,
Made me realize that..
The gender bias thing isn't really practised in my family..

That doesn't make me unaware of some families,
Who raised the girls up in such a way that,
The men are not to do house chores,
But the women should do them for the men..
I have friends dad's who doesn't do the cooking,
Apparently its a women's chore hence its not for them to do it,
Washing dishes, looking after crying babies and educating the children,
Are what they put it as "women's responsibility"
So may I ask,
What is the use of men sharing their life with their other half,
When marriage is all about sharing your life with your other half?
That includes helping with the house chores, looking after the children and etc..
Indeed some men might say that,
Women's place belongs to home and the kitchen,
And men's place is outside the world,
Working their way in the world,
Helping themselves with the opportunities outside..

Thats the old fashioned way of how men will think about women,
I do know about that,
But there are still men,
A lot of them I must say..
Who still have that perception of women..
Not having their place in the world,
Which leads to domestic violence, sexual abuse, harassment, rape..
Like if women really have the place in this world,
Where is the respect for them?
Men are so critical about how women carry themselves, what is in their mind, and not forgetting their speeches.

It all sum up to the whole gender bias issue...
Unless women have the courage to speak out,
And not let themselves being pressurized into condoning to "the nature's way"..
A difference could be made.

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