Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Day

Dear mummy,

I grew up learning from you that nobody will be there to help me if I cannot help myself. I also grew up learning from you that I have to have faith in myself when everyone else tries to make me feel that I am not good enough. Your dedication in making sure that I always keep my grades up and reminding me to get things done on time made me who I am today which is a good thing since I cannot leave things to the last minute and for that I thank you mom. I thank you for making me to work for what I want instead of giving it to me because that taught me to appreciate what I have.

Although the expectations you have for me is so damn high because I am the eldest in the family and at the same time the pressure that you put on me is more than the rest of the siblings, but I know you do that because you want me to be better. So thank you very much for drilling into my head that I have to be self sufficient and persistent in the things that I set my mind to do because in this field that I am in right now, I need more than a hundred percent of determination and persistence to keep striving so that I can be good enough. Thank you.

I try to be a good daughter everyday and not only on mothers day so you'll be proud to have a daughter like me. I do not need mothers day to remind me how much effort you put into to raise me because I know that you work so darn hard to ensure that we get the best education possible and I am so very grateful for that. 

To make things short, this post is dedicated to my mother who may have personality type A a very Happy Mothers Day.

Love, Lynn.

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