Tuesday, May 17, 2011


How is it possible that I am working longer hours than usual when I have a break?! (how to spell break again?)

Oh right.

This "break" is meant for me to catch up with the upcoming datelines. For some reason, work kept piling up. I am pretty sure those reviews, quizzes, and take home tutorial work isn't in the outline <-- (denial). I've probably mentioned this before but I am gonna mention it again, I am so swamped with work and the work seem to not come to an end=_____________________________=

It's 2.25am now and I think I've at least sat in front of the laptop researching and typing for at least 12 hours. My grasp of reality = living on dateline schedules. I am not complaining, at least I am trying not to. LOL! I am just a tiny bit exhausted.

Just a tiny bit=)

Hey I am just being human alright?

Thank goodness for the "double date" on Friday with the bestie and her beloved *grins*.

I dissected cow brain the other day. Will update you guys with pictures of our lab work later. For now. I need to sleep. Yawnnnn.......

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