Been going through videos of David's performances when he was in American Idol..
Till today..
Just by listening to his voice or watching him performing,
He gave me the chills and the joy within me^^
Till today..
Just by listening to his voice or watching him performing,
He gave me the chills and the joy within me^^
He sings, I smile=)
Pictures of him on my walls seemed to multiply..=X
Pictures of him on my walls seemed to multiply..=X
Adam Lambert is on air now..
@stitchylynn listening to fly now XD
@julin88 LOL! I know!=_____=" Damn menyampah isk!=X
Screw Lambert! He sounds super bimbotic on air man! Like wtf!?
I got a feeling that all Lambert fans are about to throw their shoes at me!=D
Don't get me wrong.
I am okay with Lambert..
His For Your Entertainment songs is hardcore shyt!Xp
But after a while I'll get sick of him..
School was rather..urhm..dull?
In a way its very very peaceful today although Claudia is back in action..
But 8 of them were absent this morning..
And some of the kids got biten by the Monday blues bug, hence some were moody than usual.
Forgot to bring along my camera today..
Snapped this pictures of them using my phone camera(the quality is lousy)

I miss lil Natalie!
Didn't see her for 4 days already!=(
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