What I am up to revolves around them=)
Below are the pictures I managed to snap..
Its kinda hard to snap a photograph of them when they are in action..
Since I consistely havta keep an eye on everyone just in case someone got themselves into trouble..
Note : I might be in some of the pictures, but do ignore the eye bags(usually sleep for a few hours before I got off to work)
PS : "I want a daughter like her." Thats what I told my mom. And she LOL-ed at me.=___="
Vee Lynn's favourite question is asking her peers what are their names although she knows them, hence the question will sound rather odd and super hilarious. She'll ask questions like this :
"Yong Yuin, what is your name?"
"Miss Chan(her class teacher), what is your name?"
I always laughed so hard when she phrase such questions.
She usually speaks like this, "Jie jie*pauses for like 10 seconds*, I *pauses for another 4 seconds* want to *pauses for 15 seconds* go to*pauses for another 20 seconds* go to the*pauses for another 25 seconds* toilet.
Then I'll forgot what she told me for the last 30 seconds or so and I havta asked her to repeat her questions for me. And praying that if she wants to go to the toilet, she wouldn't pee there itself cause I don't get her questions and asked her to repeat the questions all over again for me.
She speaks so sloooowly and softly that I always wonder if she ever eat something cause she does everything in a super slow manner.
Its so good to have her laughing or smiling. Though she usually has that super sad expression on her face, so its like a privilege to have her smiling at you^^ Which she does sometimes when I play with her=)
Chloe, she has such natural curl and she's cute=)
PS : All of them are cute in their very cute in their own ways.
I noticed something about her, she has that rather mean streak in her along with Eunice. The two girls practically shunned Vee Lynn from joining them in their games. Like I've seen loads of times, Vee Lynn wants to hold Yong Yuin's hands because the kids were asked to held hands when they had their class transition thing going on, Yong Yuin pushed Vee Lynn away and ran away from her.
Then Yong Yuin and Eunice had Vee Lynn chasing after them as if she has some disease or something by running away from Vee Lynn whenever she approaches. She really reminds me of someone back in school and its not a good sight having Vee Lynn who has the capability to do a lot of things for a four year old being shunned by the girls she loves spending her time with. Hence its not a surprise when she started telling me that she wants her mommy and she wants to go back home.
I actually know what she's facing and well, I am still trying to get the girls to have her in their games. So yeah, I find myself asking Yong Yuin to stop running away from her, hold Vee Lynn's hands during the class transition period or well sitting next to Vee Lynn without pushing her away.
It is a rather disturbing sight when you have such innocent little ones doing something ugly, or something that is commonly seen among adults. I am still trying to understand what is going on between them though.
Vee Lynn is fun to be with. I mean if I am her age, I'll make her my best friend. LOL! But really, she's like a little sister to me cause she reminds me of my younger sister when she was younger. Actually all the kids are like my little sisters and brothers.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
"Yeah I know, but the ladies love you."
And knowing that since that roadshow, with me managed to take a picture with him, my cellphone display picture has been that picture of me and him together and today, the kids at the kindie, points at the screen and told me, "That's daddy!"
Awww! They are so adorable. Not because they said David is their "daddy". They say funny things and its adorable!=)
Yes, working with the kids definitely changed my mind about those little ones^^ And if I am to adopt a kid next time, I'll wanna adopt a girl as a child. I noticed a few things about the boys, they sulk over trival issues so easily, some of their attitudes are rather unbearably stubbornly annoying, and the girls picked up things rather fast compared to the guys. To think that girls can't do better than the boys, I must say, I am really not impressed with how the girls fair in class compared to the boys. Then again, some of them are just such wonderful lil ones to be with, but there're some who are such a pain in the arse.
Idol fever strikes=)
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