I just got back home actually..
Watched 17 again at my uncle's place and hung out with Jade^^
Went swimming and it was like a super last minute decision..
The weather was pretty good this evening no sun and stuff..
Had a good feast after that^^
My 'rents havta buy me a new wardobe since there're no space for my clothes no more=.=
There are like at least 4 hanging thingy which looks like the one below at home(I thÃnk there're about five or six of them at home) for us to hang our clothes on them. Somehow, my dad has been complaining about the amount of clothes that I often add into them to the extent the two big wardobe in my parent's room don't have any space for more clothes for me to chuck them in(the other two are for my mom and dad and the other is for my brother) and my dad havta resort to buying these hanging stuff for me to hang my clothes on it :
Don't be disappointed with how organize things are above cause I don't organize my clothes. Then again, I usually chuck them aside most of the times if I don't like them or don't like wearing them=X If dad reads this he's so gonna skin me alive!=X
There are another three of those in my parent's room(one for our jeans), the rest are for clothes and another two or was it one downstairs. And one of those is half broken since it can't support our overloaded clothes. Apparently its my clothes that is overloaded and since I've been shopping a lot lately there are more clothes that are supposed to be added into those hanging thingy hence my dad said he'll buy me a wardobe for me to organize my clothes in it.
So this is how I start my New Year with huh??Xp
I kinda like it...XD
And Louboutins is on air!<3>
"I'm throwing on my Louboutins"

Mei Shan baked=D
And she tagged me those in FB(her way of wishing us Happy New Year)=____=
Come back Mei Shan, you can stay over my place and I cook for you!=D
Happy New Year all by the way!^^
PS : Did I mention that I skipped work today??Xp Supposed to be at work, yes I know its the New Year but I slept in anyway, the priciple is kind enough to say ok if I don't go to work today..XD
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