Which is actually a novel written by Jodi Picoult..
I know most of you knows about this and have came across this..
But I am just informing those peeps who doesn't read.
And will not want to have anything to do with reading..
Knowing that I do have quite a number of friends who wasn't an avid reader.
I am not sure if I've read that book from her before..
But the story line is sorta familiar..
There's a twist in that story.
Ánd that's what we should expect from Jodi Picoult..
I've read a lot of books and at times I can't keep track of which books that I've read..
Especially those books that I don't have it in my library..
And My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult happened not to be in my collection..
Indeed I love Jodi Picoult books..
Besides Torey Hayden who is a psychologist.
I have only these collection of books from her :
And I read them for more than 5 times??
But my favourite in her collection is Keeping Faith which I think I've read it for like..
More than 6 times?
I don't know..
Every time I read her books..
There's always a new message that I managed to extract from her books.
And My Sister's Keeper..
Well this book from her..
Perhaps I did read that book before..
Or maybe not..
Cause when I watched the story...
I cried so much!
No kidding!
That's the only movie that I'd watched and cried for like throughout the movie(sorta)
Besides The Passion of Christ which I've watched it thrice and I cried all three times I watch the same brutal scene where they crucified Jesus on the cross..
My Sister's Keeper..
Whoa man!
It just blew me off like that..
Its an amazing story I must say..
Then again,
Jodi Picoult write good stories!
She's an awesome novelist which touched my heart..
Each time I read her book.
I am not gonna be a spoiler here..
Cause I know there are some of you who haven't watch that movie yet..
But if you haven't watch it,
Do spare some time to watch it.
Its really meaningful.
Even idiots and the most ignorant beings can't help but to spot at least a couple of message from that story!

I think I got mixed it up with Memory Keeper's Daughter book..
Which I find it rather depressing when I read it 2 years back..
But when I read it again this year..
I don't know..
Its another story or message that I managed to extract from that novel.
I don't particularly like movies which are extracted from novels..
For instance,
Harry Potter..
Since I always find the movies disappointing..
Don't ever mention anything about Twilight.
Although its the new hype among the teenagers now..
And some stupid adults!
Twilight is just off the hook STUPID!
At least there's some substance in Harry Potter!
I think the writer of Twilight is just a wannabe.
Knowing that JK Rowling managed to produce such amazing story..
That I dont know whats her name(Twilight author)..
Just wanna be another legend by coming out with series which will keep morons waiting for the books to be released.
Like cummon!
*rolles eyes*
I don't wanna go on criticizing Twilight..
Read the first book to see whats the hype all about.
Found it really STUPID..
I repeat STUPID,
And I don't wanna read the second book..
Though I did contemplate whether to read it a not knowing that I've started reading her first book..
And perhaps I could finish reading all her series to see if the story gets any interesting..
Then again,
I can't bear those stupid sloppy love stories.
I rather turn to chic flicks books no matter how shallow some of them can be.

I don't wanna beat around the bush.
The book..
My Sister's Keeper..
I expect it to be better..
I'll read it later to see how is it like..
I hate it when I forgot which book I've read before or not..
I mean how can I ever forget how good a story is!
Cause I remember reading Stepmom by I forgotton who is the author already 5 years back..
And I still can remember that story..
Then we have Marley(the story of the dog which is turned into a movie too)
I read that 3 years back and I still can remember crying at the last bits of the story when Marley died..
Well these stories need recognition no?
And how can I possibly forget that I've read My Sister's Keeper if I ever read it before..
That's a CRIME!
Enough of the drama.
For you guys who loathe reading.
You don't have read that book but you guys should watch the movie..
And remember that its Jodi Picoult who wrote the novel=)
I didn't say anything that I can write a book.
Then again,
We should have more writers who could deliver a proper and a more realistic message through their story
I hate Twilight.
And I think I'm gonna kill my brother if the last book of the Harry Potter series is ruined by his very own hands.
Despite of the fact that I am over fantasy books like Harry Potter..
But I can't help but to look at JK Rowling at awe to come out with something like that which is MUCH MUCH MORE REALISTIC COMPARE TO SOME SHYTTY VAMPIRE ROMANCE AND HOW PERFECT A GUY CAN BE! BLUH!!!!!
At least I learn stuff about the value of friendship and life in the Harry Potter series..
Not some stupid dumbass sacrification for some guy you couldn't resist.
You may ask what about me being all gaga over David Archuleta than..
To defend yourself from falling helplessly in love with EDWARD CULLEN and JACOB in the novel?!
David Archuleta is real isn't he?
He has his flaws knowing that he is only a human after all..
But you don't see me doing all those sacrificing job for him..
Something like owh,
Bite me already..
I am willing to be a vampire for you..
I've met David Archuleta in person no?
Even got his autograph as a symbol that HE IS REAL TO ME!
He's not perfect..
But he's very down to earth.
Hence, its not a sin to fall for someone like him.
Then again..
I wouldn't wanna sacrifice anything for him or even MARRY him!=___=
Nevermind date him.
Not bullshitting.
I swear!

If this is not real..
What about..

At least this adorable dude acknowledge his fans!
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