My pre-u graduation day!
The night before..
I was extremely distracted..
Made someone mad at me and I can't bring myself to give an explanation to that,
I was terribly nervous about the outcome from what I did for my finals..
Knowing that I did my very best in it and I really wanna do well in it..
I do have certain expectations for myself..
Hence it was a nerve wrecking moment for me the night before,
Besides having this mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness churned within me..
Since its my last time having to do something that I am rather reluctant to work for,
But I didn't wanna give up anyhow,
For it is in my nature to do the best in what I am given to work on..
And try to come out with a satisfying outcome from what I'd worked for..
It may be my ticket for me to fulfil certain requirements in order for me to gain a spot to move on to the next phase..
Then again,
It also is another factor that helped me to be who I am now..
To realize how much I want certain things that I'll do anything just to make it mine..
Mr Wise, my mentor and my English lecturer when I did my first sem in this course..
Its such a blessing having him as my lecturer and knowing him in person..
If its not for him..
I wouldn't realize what do I wanna pursue after this..
Graduated from high school,
Got into college for the January intake..
I was CLUELESS when comes to knowing what I really wanna do next..
I don't even know that I do have the abilities in certain things,
But Mr Wise made me realize for real that I am here for a reason..
Which is to reach out to the many women and girls out there who need someone like me to ensure them that they, like many other beings do have a place in this world.
Thank you sir for giving me the many words of encouragement all these while..
Helping me to realize the many things I can do provided with the knowledge secured in my hands to make a difference.The two young beautiful ladies^^
I am so gonna miss her after this!
She'll be leaving to Aussie next year.
We'll be in touch=)
Good luck and all the best in everything you do after this^^
Got to know her and thats because of Twitter and American Idol..=D

Its her first time attending such ceremony^^
I am really blessed to have her around to see me graduationg from my diploma course.
Like me, she was really happy with how well I did for my finals^^
Eric, a super kind, helpful and generous friend of mine!
A future engineer to be=)
I wish you all the best in everything you do after this..
Once again, I am gonna thank you a million for helping me with my Functions..XD
I am a math nut and it takes patient people like him to help me with it..
Mr Hanna, my history lecturer and my mentor
I am gonna miss History lesson after this=(
Joseph, my Functions classmate.
Another super kind, generous and patient friend of mine who helped me with Functions..
Thank you so very much Joseph!=D
Oh gawwwddd!!
Its Christmas in a week plus time,
And I am still not in the mood for Christmas just yet>.<
But one thing for sure..
I can't wait to welcome the brand new year!=D
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