I am officially a second year Psychology student!
My new semester begins on Monday and predictably, we all got busy by the first day of the week. By the third day of my class, I have 11 assignments in line pending. I have such crazy and long week. So much so, Monday seemed to be so far away from Friday. I like Friday best so far. Not only I only have to go for tutorials, but class ends early which means I have the rest of the day to myself. Only problem is I have to drive all the way to campus for that one hour class=_______=
Thursdays are the worse. Since my tutorial begins at 11am which means I'll have to wait for approximately 5 hours before that since I havta drag myself to campus early due to the scarce space for parking. Sigh.
My longest day of the week are Tuesdays and Wednesdays since classes ends at 5.30pm on Tuesdays and 3.30pm on Wednesdays. And by the time I get myself back home, I'll havta go through the traffic. And usually I'll get back home feeling incredibly exhausted. My classes on Monday are equally long too. As much as I am trying to avoid the word exhaustion, but I can't help it since I've been rather sleep deprived for the past 3 days, or was it 4. Somehow when I sleep I tend to still think of things. And that makes me feel like I hardly slept at all.
But don't get me wrong there. I am coping fine. Only thing is I have a lot to organize and prioritize. Even my conversation with Jyun seemed to revolve a lot about work these days or we might just be sitting next to each other not talking much since we were both working on our tasks.
Hence, year two semester one begins. It's gonna be a rather long journey I reckon.
It has been a rather eventful week I think. We celebrated, Runa', Yvonne's and Clarissa's 21st birthday on Monday at TGIF and there'll be another gathering at Runa's place tomorrow. A couple of group discussion or a few of them. And we did a few assessments during our tutorial and being taught how to use some tools (yeah pretty "eventful" indeed). Yawn. I am already yawning as I typed this out despite of the 4 hours nap I had this noon (super satisfying nap).
Jyun gave me this awesome book, The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas. I've been eyeing on that book for ages already and he bought that for me recently! *grins* That dude sure know how to surprise me=) It's a good read. Although I am only half way through the book, but I am savoring every bit of the story line.

Also, Jodi Picoult has a new book. This book is her support for gay rights and it's a must read book my list.

Despite the fact that I only have the time before bedtime to do my leisure reading or sometimes in the morning before I go for my lecture classes but that will not stop me from my leisure reading moments. Right now I am craving for more leisure reading hours but sighhhh..oh well..I shall stop ranting now.
The number five!
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