Ho yeahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! I am finally back from my camp!=)
The keeper couldn't make it there since he's down with the pox. I feel bad for him=s How's Christmas for you guys? Mine was alright. Wasn't much of a celebration since I wasn't celebrating with my favourite people (initial plan was to celebrate with the keeper at camp but you can't stop certain things from taking place). Though I did met unique people at camp. Gosh those campers were a hilarious bunch. Amoysing (inner joke).
Will update more about the camp later perhaps. So exhausted.
Anyway, although the keeper can't make it to the camp, he did dropped by to give me my Christmas gift=)
So now, I am the proud owner of the book by David Archuleta :

Ho yeahhhhhhh!!*wide grin* I wanted that book for AGES but it's so costly so I can't afford to buy it. But the keeper got it for me!=D Another surprise from him once again^^ He never fails to amuse me=)
I haven't started reading that book yet. Wrapped it nicely and am practically hugging it whenever I pick it up and look at it. Oh em gee!! David!!! It's his birthday yesterday and I actually forgotten about it till I checked Twitter. Forgotten about his birthday due to the mayhem of the camp and stuff.
Anyhow, it's so good to be back!:) Back to my bed and home and my family^^
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