We just can't live without technology. My cousins went for a vacation in Kuantan for a few days and at night that's what happen:

My inbox is spammed with FB notices and my bestie wrote this about meh which is sooooo sweet of her:
1591,also my longest mate ever.My beloved prodigy in a way :P We have great chemistry and wonderful telepathy,it scares me. Our bond is like no other and you rock my world.Best thing is,no matter how far we are, we'll always be close at ♥ I miss you, have things for you ;) Soul mate you are and my one and only.Best friends for life and I mean it.Most hardworking,brainiest,petite,sarcastic ;) I love it.As I love you.
2 months. I hope we can last for 100 days.
I don't ask much, just your time. Is it too much to ask for?
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