In the previous post of mine, I've mentioned about how terrible my week is. Well today, is the last day of the week and I thought the dark clouds have been giving way to the sun to shine(I'm using metaphors to describe things since that seemed to be the only way for me to put how things are into words).
I've been fretting over my missing watch since the day it did a free fall on me, deciding to live in a toilet bowl instead. I've not been myself much too though I did managed to survive the week without having the people around me suspecting that I am not feeling too good about how things are going.
Went watch hunting but I didn't find any which I like. They are either too big for my small wrist or not practical enough for me. So yeah, I finally get myself a new watch with my sis and mom next to me when I needa decide on which watch should I get.
I got the pink one since my sis said it looks nicer compared to the blue ones. My sis has a sharp eyes for things so I trust her to give me her suggestions on stuff.
Got back home feeling really happy about my new watch said hello to my dog and headed upstairs to show my bro my new watch. I finally settled down to read some journals since I am way behind my journals reading, but I sensed something is wrong. Cause my mom is yelling for us. I decided to ask my mom what is wrong and she said, "YOUR DOG IS MISSING!!!!"
Immediately I ran outside and started to hunt for my dog. My dog's name is Vicky, but I have a pet name for it, called it Cookie or Darling cause it likes me calling him by that name. Usually when my dog decided to go missing, it could be found somewhere in one of my neighbour's place. But it's not there.
The road is empty since it's already past 10pm(my neighbours sleep real early). Started calling my dog hoping that it'll respond with a bark. But no, I can't hear a thing! Not even it's bell ringing(my sis decided to get my dog a bell so that we know where is he when he decided to play hide and seek with us). My dad took my car and started to hunt for my dog. I decided to hunt for my dog by foot. Went over to my cousin sis's place to see if it happened to be there and told my uncle about my missing dog, went over to one of my teacher's place since an aunt told us our dog is there. Mom doesn't want me to go too far but I couldn't be bothered anymore cause I am afraid that someone might dognapped it if I didn't get to it before others.
Visions of my dog being bitten by big dogs haunt me. More visions of my dog being hit by a car disturbed me tremendously. Or my dog being snatched away by some stranger. I absolutely cannot bear those thoughts of my dog not being around. Yes, I was being really paranoid. If you have a dog and if it's missing you will be like that too. That is if your dog meant so much to you and if your dog has already become part of your family.
My dad even went over to my bestie's housing area to hunt for my Cookie. No luck though. We tracked down those places that my dog are familiar with and there's still no sight of my dog. My brother wanted to walk over to our teacher's place, Kawsy to hunt for it but my dad decided to go for another round of search at my cousin's housing area which is also part of my housing area. All of us, which includes my mom, my siblings and I went got another round of search. The final round. Throughout the search, I got helpless and the only thing I can do is to call out its name and pray. I told God that He must help me to find my dog and I begged Him to give me back my dog. I was shivering and I can practically feel my heart beating against my chest. Not exaggerating but my hands were shaking frivolously.
We passed by a coffee shop. My dad usually buys newspaper from that coffee shop in the morning and my dog is always there in the morning with my dad. My sis spotted my dog sitting down happily with a lady and another women IN THAT COFFEE SHOP!
My dad immediately hit the break and all three of us(my siblings and I) ran out towards the shop. I said another urgent prayer and I think God sensed that it's urgent since I went like this : "Owh please please pleaseeeeee let it be my dog there!" And true enough, it's my stupid dog! It gave us that puppy dog eyes look as if it's telling us that he's sorry that he decided to go exploring by itself. Nonetheless, we are all really really REALLY happy to see our dearest Cookie there.

I think I woke my neighbours up. I hope not. Cause I was practically calling out to my dog like a freaking siren just now.
Phew! What a way to end the week with. Cookie please don't go missing anymore.
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