It has been a pleasant week!=) For one, I submitted another one of my assignment which is in a form of a report writing. And now I am left with 3 more assignments dateline to meet!!!!!=D Yeah! THREE FREAKING MORE!! Out of the 9 assignments that I started with at the beginning of my second semester.
Yeah. I practically heave a huge sigh of relieve as I typed that out!*grins*
Besides receiving feedbacks regarding to one of my literature review(essay writing to be precise). Ho man! It feels good=) Though I was having those butterflies in my tummy the night before thinking about it.
Though the lecture this week had been a drag less interesting and I am usually half awake in the morning since for some reason, I just can't sleep at night but the week is still a pleasant week regardless..
So our Carmen turns 20 this week!!!=) I think among all the girlfriends that I have, she's the girliest of them all! She loves pink, dancing, cute stuff, doodling, and anything girly. She has this laugh which can makes you smile just by looking at her laughing. Again. I love it when my friends laugh=) She loves doing things spontaneously and she is restless. Always restless..X)
Happy Belated Birthday Carmen!!!:)
This is for you<3

Apparently, Sony Music Malaysia is working on getting David Archuleta to perform here again!!!! ZOMG! I'll die of happiness if he really comes! So yeah, I am crossing my fingers, toes and eyes for that to happen! I so wanna meet him again!! Another, Sony Music Malaysia will be giving away prizes from Adam Lambert, David Archuleta, Shakira and Good Charlotte! To make that happen, for those of you who haven't "Like" the page, do drop by Sony Music Malaysia. Once they reach 10k people on Facebook to "Like" that page, they'll give away those prizes!
So Halloween is up next. And at Jyun's place(he stays in a condo) the kids are all dressed up. Going around trick or treating!
They are so adorable=)
I get to watch Pinocchio again after AGES of not watching that Disney movie all because of Jyun^^ Managed to guess the surprise before he revealed them to me though=p He's like a batman(I use batman, since he likes batman so much) cause whenever we get ourselves in trouble, he'll comes to our mind first...X) Carmen accidentally lost her car keys yesterday. Turns out, Aruna accidentally took her car key. Cause her car key looks like hers and mine. We are all owners of the MyVi car..Xp
I am supposed to work on another report on mine but my mind isn't in it. Meh. That report confuses me..=/ Right. Back to the damned report.
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