Journals digging and information overload sure is exhausting.
I'm currently taking a break trying to allow the information seep into my brain cells before I tie them up together into a proper bundle. Oh boy. I really hate the page limit given. 15 pages! FREAKING 15 pages only! Blargh! It makes me feel so restricted having to eliminate so many things when most of them are related and necessary.
My group mates and I did our social psych experiment this week to meet the participants quota requirement. Unfortunately, we are not completely done with it yet, hence we will have to continue carrying out the experiment next week. We had a blast though. Poor Jyun missed the whole mayhem that the gang caused in the lab since he had to hunt for participants for us. While waiting for Jyun to hunt for participants, our dearest confederates got restless. The confederates consists of my classmates or shall I put it as "the gang".
There's this rather "small" fridge like box and the guys got amused by it. Chee Boon, being his usual self, decided to see if he can fit into the fridge like box and amazingly he is able to crawl into it! So they did a scene from a horror movie (if I am not mistaken it's a scene from The Ring, the part where this lady crawled out from the television).
Take one, I present you dearest Oppa aka Chee Boon, aka the class clown:
Take two, they begin to stuff another member of the gang into the fridge like box (I think it's Su Yen this time)
Take three, I present you Sunny the Zombie!!
Take four, Sue Yen spot a roach, and she decided to kill it:

Take five, Sue Yen probably got restless and decided that she wanted to beat Chee Boon up to release her pent up excessive energy:

Take six, Sue Yen turned to Weng Hoe and threatened to beat him up for Weng Hoe was trying to rescue Chee Boon from being beaten up by Sue Yen
Take seven, Chee Boon isn't hurt enough yet, so Sue Yen decided to give him a good punching on his face

Take eight, I don't know how to describe this picture but the clown of the class can't stop laughing

They later spent the rest of the time waiting by checking out the aggression video that Da Jie managed to shoot while Sue Yen, Chee Boon, Sunny, and Weng Hoe were in action.
I wasn't really there that time. I actually can't remember much from that scene except for watching the videos on Sue Yen's mobile. Correction, I don't think I was there and I don't know where I am=X But I roughly know what happened from the pictures. I got those pics from Da Jie since she tagged us in Facebook=)
Things that I've learned this week:
1) In India, girls and boys can't be seen sitting together in public. Hence if I am in India, I'll be ostracized by their people from the day I landed in India.
2) That we can't have a staring game in the dark. My dearest bf proposed that we should have a staring game when we were half way watching Schindler's list during our tutorial class and of course I asked him how is it possible when I can't even see him in the dark=___=
3) That I can't spot bruises in the dark either. I stupidly asked the bf of mine if there're any bruises on his knee since he careless bumped his knees against the table(the downside of having such a long leg. Tsk tsk) and he said the same thing to me (look at statement 2, my reply to him)
4) The term bf can cause so much controversy. It's a bullshit friend, a new title given by me to Jyun and he knows why..=p
5) Broken relationships are supposed to be a bad thing!o.O Yeah, I didn't know about that actually. I mean I always see a broken relationship as a medium to move on. But then again, I didn't take any of my previous relationship seriously to view it as a bad thing.
6) There's no way that you can tell you ex that you guys can be friends after a break up. Hmm..
7) Having your hand burnt by hot water can hurt like bitch. I didn't know it's supposed to hurt till I got myself burnt by accident. It feels like salt being rubbed on my wound. Ouch.
8) How comforting a hug can be. I've forgotten how is it like to be hugged by someone and yesterday when I met one of my bestie, she gave me the hug that I needed the most. Hugging is a good medicine since it gives the person hugged an emotional lift and the bestie gave me that yesterday=)
I also received my feedback from my Community Mental Health lecturer regarding to the workshop that my group and I conduct. We did well=) Although I can't remember much of our feedback from Dr Alia, but she managed to summarize them for us=p And I also found out that my classmates and I will be assign to conduct another workshop next year. As for the details, I have no idea about it yet. I guess that's something for me to look forward to?
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