This week is pretty hectic week.
Not forgetting about the eventful week..
Besides having our assignments to catch up with..
And a quiz to prepare for(we had our first quiz yesterday),
My groupies and I had a rap video to record.
It's a last minute work hence the quality wasn't that good..
But at least we managed to get them done in a day!:)
My Mondays and Tuesdays were hellish, as usual.
But from Wednesday onwards..
The fun begins.
On Monday..
Two of my classes were canceled.
English and Statistics.
We found out that our stats lecturer resigned due to some health problem from Ms Woo.
Hence Ms Woo, Dr Lin and Dr Alia will be our new stats lecturer.
We'll miss you Dr Ranjitha.
But get well soon okay?
We havta hand in our outline on Wednesday, supposedly..
Our English lecturer wanted us to make amendments in our outline..
So yeah..
We all took back our outline and make whatever correction that she wanted us to do..
And for those who stayed up last Sunday night to get the outline done..
Attended Monday first period with a huge disappointment..
When the class got canceled.
Tough luck for those guys..>.<
This week, is out last week for our theme days..
Its beach theme on Wednesday..
But I didn't stay back for the photoshoot AGAIN!
Not sure if any of my groupies were there for the photoshoot though..
Cause I know Carmen, Jyun and I skipped that..
On Tuesday, my groupies and I went over to campus early..
Since we had that video shoot thing
Not sure if I did snap any photographs of the groupies fooling around or not..

They were waiting for their turn to submit their outline..
According to Jyun, we were all queuing to get our pay check for the month..X)

I was checking out William's legs when I am waiting for my turn to "receive my pay check".
Since I've been wondering if he has legs like a man..=X
And you can't expect me to go up to him just to ask him if he has hairy legs no?
My oppa(in Korean it means senior, but he's a brother to me really)

William has such good complexion..
All you needa do is turn to Boago and Chee Boon..
Boago is the president of the joker club,
Chee Boon is the vice president..
And William is the secretary.
I gave them the rank fyi.
My body guards and my big bros
On Friday(which is yesterday).
That's the most eventful day ever..
So in the morning..
I drove Aruna to campus..
Fyi, she was my first official passenger besides my family members(and my sis's friends)
Had my quiz..
Which I think it was easy peasy..
Only thing is I know I've lost a couple of marks for some stupid mistakes..
But oh well..
Can't do much about it..
Buthen again, I sorta wished that I remember the two theories..
Such a waste of marks.
I got myself soaked wet with Melissa when we were preparing stuff for the games..
Went to Pyramid with Jyun, Aruna, and Weng Hoe by the shuttle.
It poured when we came back..
Waited for the shuttle for ages..
Inhaled the intoxicating carbon monoxide gas while we were waiting for the shuttle..
As for the ice breaking games for the social gathering..
Most of my classmates weren't there..
Though I wished they will be there..
Carmen and her bestie were the paparazi of the day..
For now..
I managed to collect some feedbacks from my mates about the social gathering..
And yesh..
I didn't actually snap 700++ photographs(phew!), but its a total of 200++..
There were some other photographs in the camera..
I am wondering where is my other pendrive with my old notes in it..
Mr Meyer, if you are reading this, I am actually trying to search for the notes for you..
But I can't find my other pendrive!=(
Then when I wanna write,
I tried finding for a pen..
But all my pens ran outta ink>.<
Just the other day I've asked my lil sis to give me one of her pen..
Since I do not have a good pen to write for my quiz..=S
As for now..
I got my pens already..
And I am working on some of my tasks..
Besides trying to get my mind into them.
Gosh! I am that distracted today>.<
Song of the day : The Only Exception by Paramore
"And I've always lived like this,
Keeping a comfortable, distance.
And up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness,
Because none of it was ever worth the risk."
Will be paying my last respect to my grandad tonight.
Rest in peace ah kong..
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