I feel like ranting..
So here I go again..
Dropped by my bestie's bloggie and she posted the TEN things that she'd give her eyetooth for..
I have a different list of the 10 things that I'd give my eyetooth for which is:
1) To have my own mini library(bet Jyun knows how much I want a mini library of my own)
2) To be able to lead a carefree life(as in not worrying much about things)
3) To star gaze with my lil cousins again(I miss how it was back in Aussie, so carefree and I feel so light after ages)
4) Knowing certain people all over again, and preventing myself from screwing things up again.
5) To be able to solve add math problem without breaking a sweat(the same as my bestie's the number 8 wishful thinking in her list).
6) To have such amazing brains like what my lil brother has.
7) To meet David Archuleta again and not being all shy when he's in the same room as I am.
8) To spend the entire month alone in a stranded place with amazing views.
9) To travel to the other side of the world.
10) A DSLR camera.
My dad showed me the birdies outside my place...
Its my first time looking at them to be honest.
I don't hope for them to leave my place cause I like them there^^

Its Monday tomorrow..
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