I knew it!!!
Yesterday, my lil bro found two lost puppies in school.
He wanted to sneak them back home,
But I know my dad will be dead furious at us if he found out about it.
So anyway, my lil bro placed that lil puppies in my grandparent's place..
Telling them that he'll find someone to adopt them so at the meantime,
He'll like to place them there and he even bought them milk.
And I am hoping that that nut of my aunty and uncle don't feed those to their dogs.
Cause they'll die if those morons feed them with milk.
I've been having this super terrible feeling all night yesterday..
When the dog is at my grandparent's place.
I know how my uncle is when comes to treating animals.
His apparent "animal lover" label don't go with that man.
More like his "love" for animals disgusts me!
Talking about it here made me so much madder at him/his wife.
If only this place isn't Malaysia that I am living in..
For I know there are heaps of people here who abuses animals.
As if to prove than animals can't have a good life on earth(but seriously?)
That uncle of mine will be sued long ago for not providing a decent place or treating his animals properly.
So when I woke up just now..
My ma told me that they gave away the puppies already.
Which I doubted that.
Cause I know how are they when comes to animals.
Upon knowing what happened to those lil puppies..
I guess those puppies are either killed, thrown away or they did really gave them away.
But giving those puppies away in less than 24 hours?
Not very likely.
For me to find someone to adopt in that 24 hours..
I still haven't find anyone who wants to adopt them..
Except for Aruna but she wanted to ask her mom's permission first.
And I wanted to post pictures of those puppies here..
But since they are gone,
I don't think I'll be able to be able to set my eyes on them..
(My ma said those puppies are incredibly cute)
My sister sulked all morning,
When she woke up and found out about it.
Yesterday we bugged our dad to allow us to keep it for a while until we managed to get someone to adopt it..
However, my dad stubbornly disagreed to our suggestion.
We know that we couldn't trust our uncle to look after those puppies for us.
Now that it's gone.
We are all not very happy about it.
But at the same time, we can't say anything about it,
Knowing how uncivilized my uncle/aunty is.
But still, that doesn't prevent me from being mad at them no!?
I thought by reading I'll forget about how mad I am at their behaviour.
But meh.
I am still mad at them.
Anyway, I watched Beautiful Mind on tv yesterday.
Its a good movie.
I can't believe I don't know anything about that.
Then again, I'm not a movie buff to be able to catch up with stuff like that.
We will be watching it in our tutorial class and I can't wait to watch it again.
It's something about John Nash who is an American Mathematician(he's a pure genius),
He has schizophrenia and he began to hallucinate and experience bizarre things,
So this movie is a story of him coping with his disease.
I don't know much about schizophrenia since I didn't do much reading on it.
Whether it could be cure or not..
But that issue definitely has been in my mind for quite a while now.
I know I'll be learning about it in my Abnormal Psychology class NEXT YEAR,
And for me to wait till then..
My curiousity might get in the way..

Just done reading One Child by Torey Hayden.
Out of the four books I've read this week..
This is the only story that really caught my attention.
So far, I've read Beautiful Child, Ghost Girl, Just Another Kid, and Twilight Children by her and all her stories are based on her experience with behavioural problem kids..
I can't really decide which of her encounters are the extremes,
Since most of her cases are extreme cases..
But I think Ghost Girl top them all.
One Child is definitely a good read.

Oh yeah!
Finally my sis gave me a good news!
Oh man! I am so nervous for her!
Good luck for that!!!=D
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