Hola peeps!!!
How do you like your week?
Mine was..
So I handed in my first assignment this week.
(was that my first assignment?)
And my classmates got super worked up for that assignments..
Which makes me nervous for not being nervous about it.
Either way, I am not sure if there's anything for me to worry about for that assignment since I don't find it tough after I am done with everything.
My friends come up to me telling me that it's super hard to get sources,
When some of them did have the same research topic like mine,
Hence, that makes me confuse.
Cause I don't remember having that much difficulties when comes to digging for sources but the only thing is to interpret them, and phrase them properly in my essay. Only thing I did have trouble with was the word limit and boy! How I hate that word limit crap!
So I did what I can for that assignment and just hand them in without being paranoid about stuff.
But thinking back and looking at the reaction of my classmates..
I am still not very sure if I should get worked up for that assignment.
After all, to me it's just a homework and its no use going berserk over them since there'll be more to come.
I think my previous course did do me a whole lot good.
Cause we weren't trained to whine whenever we were given a task.
For that, it makes me wonder what on earth did some of them learn back in their pre u. Like don't they learn anything about finding the right sources or the term analyzing articles or the phrase, why complain when you can get started with things earlier?
Like any other research that I do in the past,
This research about love types(which is definitely not my cup of tea) and life satisfaction made me ponder over certain things that I don't really bother taking the time off to think about them.
Then again, it also made me realized that it's always good to remain positive regardless of how negative the people around you are.
So when most of them are working on their assignments,
And since I am done with mine.
I read.
Yeah so what you may ask since reading has been the thing that I do every single day without fail..
For some reason..
I've been reading more than usual.
Not as much as I do back in high school considering how different things are now since I've left high school..
And also not because I don't have much to do this week..
But I guess that's a source of escapism for me..
In other words, things are sorta predictable this week...
And it sorta bores me.
Today we had a discussion(more like a debate with Dr Alia),
About nurture and nature.
We were asked to pick sides.
And most of us, except for Sunny crossed the bridge to the other side which is to support nurturing over nature.
The discussion will be so much better with Umaimah around.
Wonder why isn't she there today.
So yeah, its an interesting discussion.
But that reminds me of how much I miss History lesson with my previous classmates,
Since they all are full of ideas and Mr Hannah throwing us questions to ponder,
Is always helpful.
That also reminds me of the past discussions I had with my friends back then,
Since that's mostly what we do during our Malaysian Studies class,
Whenever we got bored of the lesson.
We talked about issues.
And not everyone likes to talk about issues.
Hence, its always refreshing to be able to find people who are less ignorant about things and wanted to talk about that.
I always find my pre u course a life long lesson course.
Though its temporary and the people that I befriended with are somewhat like my temporary mates.
(I am coming to it)
Before this..
I wasn't aware of how expiry dates works for people.
We find expiry dates on things but not on people..
Maybe I am aware of it..
But I'd like to phrase it as "moving on" since life is really mostly about moving on to me.
So when Jyun startlingly asked me about the expiry dates of the people that I used to know, since whenever we talked something will trigger the memory of my use to be close friends, and surprisingly he notices that so he bluntly asked me about it.
Though I disagree with him about the expiry dates and labelling it as moving on,
But later when I encountered another situation.
Then only that thing hit me.
But instead of going all "emo" about it..
I am actually pleasantly happy about that.
Cause it means letting go and allowing new stuff into my life.
Which is always good in my case.
Ok, maybe I do hold on to a couple of them.
When most things are temporary for the past few years..
I think I've found a sense of stability since I've started uni.
And it is a sorta refreshingly good feeling I must say.
I don't mind the temporary-ness since I always seek for changes.
And stability is hauntingly scary for some reason.
Cause it means discovering things that I choose to ignore before this.
But what's good is, its another process of learning and I can really do with getting to know real characters who know me for a change.
Yesterday night..
Carmen, Weng Hoe, Jyun, and I..
Turned nocturnal.
We had a rather interesting "conversation" on MSN..
And I laughed so much that my stomach hurts before going to bed..

Not sure if my previous lecturers will drop by my blog again..
But here's for you Mr Wise(my incredibly awesome previous English lecturer), Mr Meyer(my super cool Chemistry lecturer), Mr Hanna(my funny History lecturer), Ms Fikar(hmmm..not sure if she'll read this, but she's my funniest Biology lecturer), Ms Joanne(my super patient Advance Functions lecturer), and Miss V(she doesn't know I have a blog but hopefully she'll discover my site of mine, I miss you Miss V), Pn Rashidah(she has Facebook!!), and my current lecturers..
Happy Teacher's Day!!!!!
Learning wouldn't be so interesting without the presence of teachers like you!!!