I did mentioned about the exhibition at the state library no?
There's a book and shopping exhibition and I managed to capture a few photographs from it..
There's a book and shopping exhibition and I managed to capture a few photographs from it..
Our tour guide is some man from China, so predictably, I don't get what is he trying to tell us. And being in a bus loaded with chinks, it really made me feel rather out of place cause for once, there's hardly any friendly faces around.=S
But its alryte, I can do with more time being caught in my own thoughts or my own world if you wanna put it..
The settings at the gold mines place are based on the olden English days settings. The buildings looks rather old fashioned.
I love looking at the rainbow/the star..
I went star gazing with my cousins..
Its so pretty there at night
And I got car sick..
It was a loooooong journey there..
The weather was really bad..
It was pouring like crawp!
Look at how cloudy it is..
It doesn't stop me from having a glimpse of the 9 apostles, it was the 12 apostles before this, but due to the wave erosion, now there are only 9 apostles..
Its really pretty there..
One thing that I've forgotten or realized when I got back from Aussie..
You see its summer in Aussie and hence its burning hawt there,
Only thing is you don't really feel the heat much because of the breeze there..
But here..
The heat is unbearable, its as if you'll die of heat stroke anytime if you don't watch it.
What I've realized/noticed is, in Malaysia if you are at home..
You'll definitely melt if the air conditioner isn't switched on, or you'll feel like dying if you don't stay indoor knowing how it boils out there!
You'll definitely melt if the air conditioner isn't switched on, or you'll feel like dying if you don't stay indoor knowing how it boils out there!
In Aussie however,
Regardless of how sunny it is outside.
You will never die of heat stroke if you go out for a jog(which I did occasionally when I have a day to laze around), and its very okay for you to go out exploring cause the sun can never kill you, though the sky might be cloudless on certain sunny day and you may get skin cancer if you allow your skin to be exposed to that kind of sun, but I couldn't care less just as long as I am not all sweaty and dripping with water..
I was stupid enough not to expect such humid weather here when I got back..
Cause you bet I've been wondering why is it boiling at home when it shouldn't be, why do I need the air conditioner switched on all the time when I am in my room, and mostly, why am I sweating so much.
Then it only occured to me TODAY..
That I am already back to Malaysia and the weather has always been like that!
Oh Malaysia..
Its always been sunny here throughout the year..
It'll be good if something happens geographically to the world,
And the craters shifted its position and countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, China and other countries who has only one season, will experience seasons like spring, autumn or winter..
Then it only occured to me TODAY..
That I am already back to Malaysia and the weather has always been like that!
Oh Malaysia..
Its always been sunny here throughout the year..
It'll be good if something happens geographically to the world,
And the craters shifted its position and countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, China and other countries who has only one season, will experience seasons like spring, autumn or winter..
Please let it rain ice one day..
*crosses fingers*
My cousin sister told me some of her school teacher don't believe her when she told her Malaysia only have one season throughout the year and her friends laughed at her when she told her Malaysia only have one season throughout the year.
In Australia, the people faces this problem of not having enough Vitamin D due to the lack of exposure to sunlight and my aunty has that problem, so she has to consume Vitamin D pills=____= These people should make a trip to countries like Malaysia often, it'll do them good and do us good, cause in a way they'll be spending their money in our country!XD Super small currency we have here, we can do with a lot of help from people who came from countries with a bigger currency, or countries that their money have value in it.
I should be thankful that we have sun throughout the year..
And rain occasionally, since the plants here can do with those...
But I always see dying plants here!
Its so sad!=(
PS : My bugger phone is finally working. I can finally text!=D
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