Mei Shan and I are having this ridiculous discussion about our pet peeves in Twitter.
Note : For those who are following me in twitter, I apologize for the "gory" details=X
1.@Caseymshan Can I have one of those? Cause I think my bestie might want them as her pet=X 6 minutes ago via web in reply to Caseymshan
@Caseymshan guys sure are brutal. Btw do you eat frogs/snakes? Heard they are good food=p 10 minutes ago via web in reply to Caseymshan
@Caseymshan Snakes, hen/cock, frogs, fishes, tortoise etc. Animals sure know how to pick their owner eh?
@Caseymshan If you are not an animal lover those animals will not choose to visit ya place no? Cause in one of ur tweets, you said there are
@Caseymshan Shit in their body? Roaches? Hrm..I wonder if we can send it to the CSI and get it checked to see whose shit are those=X
@Caseymshan Once I smashed a roach with a plastic bag cause I don't want to touch it, and maggots were crawling outta them after that!=X
@Caseymshan You are officially an animal lover & pest killer expert! Wth? Animal lover & pest killer expert together?o.O
@Caseymshan Looks like you've been spending loads of time with those lil creatures. Congratulations sista!
9. Caseymshan my house got roaches, lizards, bettles/bugs, moths/butterflies, cock/hen, snakes, frogs, crickets, fishes, tortoise, etc......... wth!! =__=
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@Caseymshan Hahahahaha! Whoaaaaaa!!! Violent!!o.O Yea, the cleaning floor part, ey btw, do roaches bleeds? I know Lizards do=X
@Caseymshan Yes yes..:p Hahaha! Lizards, I hate them. And roaches. Ugh!
Anyway, I am still trying to finish reading "The Historian"(I'm not even half way through it! Haha.) Its an incredibly DRAGGY book. I don't mind the story line, there are a lot of suspense going on here and there, buthen my mind tend to wander everytime I read that book.
1) Twilight Children by Torey Hayden
2) Just Another Kid by Torey Hayden
3) Ghost Girl by Torey Hayden
4) If You Could See Me Now by Cecelia Ahern (again!)
5) Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult
6 - 14 I couldn't remember the title of the book or who wrote them cause I borrowed them from the library during my stay in Aussie. And most of them are filled with heaps of gory details and depressing stories told by someone.
Some are good reads. Some are just junk? Cause by the end of the story, I went like wtf is that supposed to be, that sorta thing. But the few books above are those that I owned and its something that I don't mind reading again.
So I've started with another new book. My 5th/6th book that I've been reading so far since I got back home from Aussie. I'm having insomnia for the past one week. Which means, I can't sleep at night, and that means, I usually stayed up till the am's reading since I can't bloody sleep! And its so unhealthy in the sense that I'll be awake in the noon and half the day is gone by then, and that means, I'm skipping breakfast which is supposed to be a MUST for me and sometimes lunch since I always wake up with an awful appetite.
So I've started with another new book. My 5th/6th book that I've been reading so far since I got back home from Aussie. I'm having insomnia for the past one week. Which means, I can't sleep at night, and that means, I usually stayed up till the am's reading since I can't bloody sleep! And its so unhealthy in the sense that I'll be awake in the noon and half the day is gone by then, and that means, I'm skipping breakfast which is supposed to be a MUST for me and sometimes lunch since I always wake up with an awful appetite.
Oh did I tell you guys that when I was away for a vacation, I eat well and stuff? But guess what? I've lost 0.8kg during my stay there and that's weird cause I remember eating most of the time there, stuffing myself with a lot of junk food. Junk food and I don't really go well together, unless its ice-cream, that's a different story=X
I think I gotta get myself to sleep properly and stop being such a nocturnal cause its frigging unhealthy? Ah gee! Did I just mention the word unhealthy again!? Mind you, I am not a health freak. Well at least I think so. Cause I don't eat my greens and I can't survive without meat in any of my meals=X
I think I gotta get myself to sleep properly and stop being such a nocturnal cause its frigging unhealthy? Ah gee! Did I just mention the word unhealthy again!? Mind you, I am not a health freak. Well at least I think so. Cause I don't eat my greens and I can't survive without meat in any of my meals=X
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