But I do remember you guys..
Only thing is I don't have the time to go around hunting for you guys to take a picture with you..Xp
Sadeq, the
Mun Seong
(Not sure if I got his name right, I am super bad with names)..
He switched to my Biology class and I can't remember how we met..
Through Joseph and Botak I think..
My awesome Biology classmates!
They are not that dead
(well at least they are livelier compared to the peeps from my Functions class!)
Though the scholars seemed to store gold in their mouth and never wanna open them just so we might snatch them away from them(typical)
But having people like Mohamed, Saqed, Cecelia and Harveena..
Just makes the class lively!^^
Miss Fikar is always in a good mood in my class..
Well, at least I think so=)
Yeap, beside us is Miss Fikar, our dearest Biology lecturer..
She's amazing!(trying to imitate Miss Fikar's way of speaking)
Then we have Mr Hanna
When I first checked out who will be my History lecturer,
I actually expect Hanna to be a woman..
Of course..
I didn't realize that Mr beside his name..
Not till I asked one of my friend who did law under him about her
(I thought he was a her that time)..
Then only I was told that MR Hanna is a man!o.O
And I laughed..Xp
Cause well..
Hanna is a girl's name..
Turned out to be a kick ass lecturer of mine!^^
He actually allows the girls and the guys to have a HEATING debate during lesson..
And all he did was to listen to our views and smile..
He's another awesome lecturer of mine..
After Mr Meyer(my previous Chem lecturer), Miss Fikar(she's actually awesome in her own way), Mr Wise(my previous English lecturer) and of course Miss Joanne(my Functions lecturer, which I forgotten to take a picture with her).
Now, I am not being bias am I?
Miss Joanne is the only Malaysian lecturer that I look up to, Miss Malar who was my previous Data Management lecturer is a real pain in the ass. With me loathing figures like crawp, she made me LOATHE maths more than ever, then again, Maths just couldn't leave me alone and I havta take up another Maths related subject this semester to secure my place in the Uni later(turns out that I don't need Functions for my next Uni application, wtf!?)
From the left, Zain, Andrew(with his signature awkward smile) and Goldfish.
Peggy, a Mongolian..who is also my History classmate,
I got him mistaken for a Korean dude..
Since he looks Korean..XD
Franz, the only German dude from my course(I think)..
Andrew(the photographer).
He takes good photographs and he's the president of the Student Council.
Jin the jerk hates him though for some reason..
But he's cool..
I mean he's a nice dude..
Though I don't know how he is really like when comes to team work..
But during class group work..
He's just different from how Jin the jerk described him to be like..
Tsk tsk..
Neesha(the girl who has all sorts of creative ideas that you wouldn't think of) and of course, lovely Anamika^^
(I think I got her name right=X)
Jimmy is the African looking guy in the middle,
He's cool too..
Though like Goldfish..
They have this superior complex that those guys have..
But without people like them,
There wouldn't be much interesting debates and discussions going on during lesson..
I don't really know them myself..
And I can't remember their names..
But they really have interesting stuff to tell you=D
I don't know his name(yes, I know I suck got a prob with that?!)
But he's the guy with the heavy accent friend..
Since they sat next to each other..
I sorta know him,
But he's really quiet during lesson though..
His friend(the guy with a heavy indian accent though he's Tanzanian, not sure if he's a Tanzanian though) skipped class since he forgotten about the shorten period and he's crazy at times according to him so I didn't managed to get a picture with him, though I did have a picture with him before(I think)..
That's Ernest(you guys should know him from my Cambodia post)
He seemed quiet..
But when you speak to him..
He has tonnes to say!=)
Yi Ming..
Who will be pursuing a course in Music after this,
She was from my previous English class before this..
Good luck with everything after this yo!=D
This is Jin the jerk..Xp
You guys know him already from my old post..
Awesome Didi..
Adorable Mei Shan^^
The group is much smaller this semester since we all have different breaks..
Emily is back in China..
Then the buisness students have different breaks and stuff..
Yee Yang and Kai Jie
Knew Yee Yang from my Data class last sem..
And Kai Jie from Steph the midget this sem..
EC and the girls
Kai Jia and EC(yes I am the short one in the middle and I am proud of it!=D)
Irfan, a scholar from my Functions class..
He's nice^^
And there's Sing May the sweet one and Elaine, another sweet one..
They are all scholars..
Who are nice enough and outspoken to talk to people who are not of their kind,
The rest..
Sticked to their lil cliques..
Like those you can see back in your high school where the typical chinese will stick with their own kind, the Malays will stick with their own kind and shit*rolles eyes*.
These people can never grow outta their comfort zone can they?
Debz and I^^
She's not my classmate unfortunately,
Since I am doing a lil bit of this and that for my pre u,
Knowing someone like her came in the package..Xp

Not when you meet people like Amira and Didi!!=)
I met Amira this sem,
When we(Chris, Didi and I) were having our Biology group study in the library,
Ms Fikar has this thing to bring her students together no?
You Biology students should know what I mean by that..
I mean Ms Fikar's students=)

Chris and I,
Met her this sem too..
Through Mei Shan=D

Joseph and I!
My Functions sifu!!
Thank you Joseph for helping me with Functions all these while!=p

I've met a lot more awesome people this semester compare to my first semester..
I didn't manage to snap a photo with them..
Since its a shorten period,
And we are not from the same class and bluh bluh..
Stratch that.
I didn't managed to bump into them..
For the past few weeks..
My days in campus has been HECTIC..
And unless I bumped into those peeps along the corridor when I am on my way for my next lesson..
I wouldn't be able to bump into them after I am done with my classes..
So if you guys are reading this,
I'll see you during our graduation day..
Or for those whom I won't be meeting anymore..
Goodbye perhaps?
Message me in Facebook or whatever..
We'll be in touch alryte?^^
So what now?
My finals..=/
Functions next week
(that dreaded paper!)
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