Its Mei Shan's birthday today!!!!
She's a wonderful, fantastic, awesome and super cute sister of mine in campus!=D
Her work is so organized,
Her writing is neat like god knows what!
She's super smart..
She's pretty, attractive and of course ADORABLE!!!!=D
Always the one to come out with the lamest jokes,
The one who make us laugh with her quirky ways..
She's just adorable and lovable!^^
She's legal!
If its not for Jin Han who brought her along for dinner..
When we first had dinner as a group together,
I wouldn't get to know her..
From a super quiet girl..
She transformed into someone as noisy as the group!
She's funny,
As long as she has warmed up to you..
She can blab all day long!XD

Happy birthday sister!!^^
Yesterday morning,
My dad suddenly asked me if I am okay driving a seven seater car..
A Grand Livina I mean :

And I was like holy crawp,
Is he for real!?
He doesn't even trust me with his Vios yet!
And there he goes whether I am okay with driving a Grand Livina,
Which is a huge ass car for my size=____="
I hesistated of course!
Knowing that since I've gotten my license,
And I have crashed my dad's old car once since I forgotten to hit the break on time..
Images of me crashing a new car is unbearable!=X
When my dad saw me hesistating..
He asked me if I am alryte driving a Persona..
And I take a look at the car in front of us..
We were on the road on my way to campus when my dad asked me that..
Not sure if my dad is for real or not,
I play along,
Sure why not?
At least its better than MyVi right?
I mean that car looks heavier!XD
Not thinking that my dad is actually deciding which car to buy for me this time for real!
Since he said that hé'll get me a car soon,
And that soon will probably be next year,
I didn't question much,
Cause I know that I still needa practice driving again..
And learn how to park again!
(Dont think I can remember how to park not, though I am good at it during my test last time)
My mom asked me if I wanted a My Vi or a Persona..
And I was like,
"Do I have a choice?o.O"
I didn't say that out loud of course,
So obviously I pick Persona instead of a My Vi..
For some reasons..XD
And thats it.
My dad is gonna go hunting for that car for me,
And I'll get it next year..
But I havta go through PROBATION under my dad..
Cause he wants to make sure that I don't go speeding on the road=.=
Wake me up from this dream of mine..
This forbidden feeling gotta go..>.<
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