Is my very first time being abroad(away from Malaysia),
And without parental guidance too!
Its a fabulous experience I must say!^^
The people that I've came across with in Cambodia..
Are such grateful bunch of peeps I must say,
Not forgetting friendly too..^^
Behind those smiles..
Yes they are very poor,
You can see lil kids in their birth suit, yes, BIRTH SUIT,
Crossing the road just like that..
And of course, a lot of orphans scattered around in their ragged attires,
Even if its pouring like crawp.

And of course, I met Debz who is also a fan of David Archuleta..
So you guys probably can guess how we spazzed over David when we talked about him..XD
Random tourists that we came across with and chatted with them,
Even the Koreans who speaks lil English managed to exchanged a few words with us=D The group..
Didn't know my course has such huge bunch of awesome peeps=)
Oh yesh, I forgot to comment on the food..
I mean travelling abroad means trying new stuff ryte?
Well, we had our dinner and lunch in a few Chinese restaurant..
And they serve a lot of seafood and vege to go along with our rice,
The food served are a healthy choice of food, with a lot of greens..
And of course rice is a must for the Cambodians,
I realize that since in all chinese restaurants we went to,
They serve us rice with different dishes..
Yes, they have endless dishes served each time we had lunch or dinner at the chinese restaurant.
And you guys should try the Khmer bread,
Or any Khmer food over there..
We went over to the Mekong river area for dinner on Saturday(3rd day of my trip)..
Had piza and it tasted different,
Due to the spices they use..
It was alryte..
But one thing for sure,
They use different spices in their food,
Even in their pizza, they have this Khmer touch in them..
French bread is popular over there..
And there's this BBQ banana which tasted fine too..
Look around you..
There are a lot of hawkers selling doves, or BBQ stuff..
Its cool cause at night when you walked along the streets,
There are always food available=)
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