Day one of our trip which is on Thursday, 15th Oct

Shah's awkward grin..Xp

Lucas, EC and Harveena dropped by to bid us goodbye=p
The peeps while waiting for the bus to arrive. In that pic, I only know Shau Yin, Andrew, Victor and the girl in pink(I tend to forget her name all the time!=X) I do not know who are the rest yet..
Mohammad, my Biology classmate. The dude whom I don't speak to(hardly speak to) during Biology class, soon became my closest mate during the trip^^
Ms Christina, my friend's Functions lecturer.
They were probably debating over some issues..
Haha!! Mohammad looks like a buff bodyguard..Xp

The lecturers, Mr Gordon, Miss Christine, Miss Nicole, Mr Hanna, and Mr G
My roomate and I
Mr Hanna making sure that everyone is in the bus..
Jimmy and Victor, the clowns who were trying to learn how to speak the Cambodian language. Victor tends to exaggerate the pronunciation and its soooo funny!Note : Victor, the chinese guy, Jimmy is the guy from Tanzania.
Andrew the photographer and Neesha!

While waiting for our flight I got to know Debz, who soon to be one of my close mate during the trip and one of the twins from my Moral class(shyt. I still cán't remember their names! I know I am awesome^^)

So yeah, our flight got delayed for some reason. We got stucked in Malaysia for the next 1 hour plus before we take off to Cambodia!

We reached Cambodia at 8pm Malaysian time(or was it 7.30pm)
The international airport in Cambodia is way posher compare to the AirAsia airport.

Debz, one of the twin(damn! I must try to remember their names) and Shalini, my roomate

Debz and the other twin, no its the same twin..Xp
I actually know Debz from Archie's concert but I didn't know that she's from my campus not till we went for the trip=D

Victor's awkward, nerdish grin along with Shau Yin and the other girl behind..XP

Mr Hanna my History lecturer.
Sorry, due to the lousyness of my camera, this pic looks blurry. Debz and Shalini has their copy with them will get it from them later. So yeah, dinner at a chinese restaurant with the peeps. Ice breaking with the peeps that I just got to know along my way to Cambodia. Ernest was the photographer btw, he's camera shy=P
The twins and Debz.
Note : Debz is one of the hardcore Archie's fan. We were practically spazzing talking about him on our way to Cambodia!XD

We checked into our hotels,
Checked out each other's room..
Found out that Andrew and Earnest had such spacey rooms.
So we decided to have our gatherings and meetings in their room instead..
Most of us were in the 3rd floor..
So yeah,
The 3rd floor is obviously the noisiest floor in the hotel..
The twins were just 2 rooms apart from my room, Neesha, Anamika, Earnest and Andrew's room is just next to mine..
That night..
We managed to break the ice getting to know each other,
(For those who don't know who is who)
In Andrew's room..
Got to know Surej and when he told me he's 16 it just didn't occur to me that he's my bro's age. After all, I thought my brother is still 15, actually he's still 15 not till his birthday in November.
Neesha shared her experience about bumping into spirits..
We got freaked out..
She told her story half way,
And left it like that since we got carried away talking about some random things..
That night..
Mr Hanna and the other lecturers actually went patrolling in each rooms..
The next day is exciting!=)
Will post up pics of my 2nd day in Cambodia later=D
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