When I read through my old posts(from trulylynn.blogspot.com),
To see who am I back then,
What kind of person I am..
It was shocking,
When I read some of the posts,
And reflect on it..
We talked about evolution today,
Since Jimmy did his presentation on Evolution..
I didn't really give evolution a second thought,
Since all religion taught us to believe in the One and only,
(You religious peeps should know what I mean)
That God is the ULTIMATE creator,
God is the one who created everything in the universe,
Ok, so..
Bring brought up in a Buddhist background,
My parents hardly got us kids to do all those Buddhist rituals,
Except for a few where I've been brought up to follow that "tradition",
As I grew up..
It became like a culture of mine..
Because my parents are those who wants us to do that.
I didn't question.
Since I know its not important,
All I know is..
Just please them,
And I'm free to do what I want to do,
A lil thoughtless ain't I?
I admit I am when comes to religous issues..
Perhaps its because of my upbringing..
I read the bible.
And I do know..
That God created the world in 6 days..
The book of Genesis tells us everything about it..
When I first read it..
I treat it as a myth,
When I was younger..
I thought its a myth,
Adam and Eve was a myth too..
I don't know how and why I came about believing that the first man was Adam,
The first woman was Eve.
Then again,
I guess its because I am too lazy to ponder over who is the first man on earth,
Or the first woman,
For I am thinking that..
Wth ryte,
When the world is progressing,
Whats the use of looking back in time?
We might as well..
Move on and make a progress in our own beings,
Giving back to the society.

But religion issues had always been a very sensitive issue in my family,
I can hardly mention the word the Christians,
Cause my dad will go all infuriated about it.
So back to evolution...
I remember I had this very close friend of mine,
Who is an Atheist,
And I always wonder why can't she believe in the existence of God..
It was a question which I often wonder to myself,
I didn't really wanna stop wondering about what makes some people and Athiest,
So when I got myself reading more serious stuff,
With the help of my lecturers..
Who have a broad views about everything,
They always have a lot to tell us,
And I find it very enlightening after every discussion I had with them,
Thank goodness for the course I enrol myself into,
We are taught to think out of the box,
Be ourselves,
Speak out and do what we can to change ourselves to the better..
Yes, I do get a lot of people scrutinizing at my choice of course I am pursuing,
I got used to it eventually,
So I got use to ignore such know-it-all people being nosey about what am I up to,
Though I can't help questioning why all those nosey-ness among Malaysians,
Wanting to pry into your life..
Knowing what are you up to when you know yourself,
That you hardly speak to them back then
(or you don't)
And all of the sudden they are so interested in your life..
Its really annoying and it did get on my nerves,
Cause all I got from meeting old high school mates was,
What are you planning to do next?
Instead of hows everything?
You get what I mean?
So yeah,
I remember debating over the subject of evolution with an Atheist friend of mine.
She told me that we are here due to evolution,
And being curious I asked how..
Cause back then..
Evolution to me was like..
As sci-fi story I'll get from all sci-fi movies,
Movies on cells appeared just like that,
Alien abductions,
In other words,
Evolution is just..
A made up story to me back then..
And when that friend of mine said something that cells just appeared on the surface of Earth back then,
Obviously I didn't believe her!
I was 15 and though I am still young in mind,
I know very well,
Things don't "just appear" on the surface of the earth.
So today,
When Jimmy talked about evolution,
It brought back to those days where I used to debate with that friend over the subject of evolution,
And I realize that,
People doesn't believe in evolution,
Since they have different preception of the evolution,
Evolution has a wide meaning in it,
As for me,
I personally find evolution,
Are the changes of human beings,
Like back then we don't have technology,
People used to live in caves,
Now we are living in a comfortable place namely, "our home",
We have alot of intellectual people around us,
It all goes back to the changes human went through over the time being.
"We are animals too, when disaster strikes, we behave like one, with all those slashing and slashing."
Quote from my History lecturer.

What do you think of evolution??
Staunched religious peeps wouldn't accept the theory of evolution,
Since they were instilled to believe everything that is in the bible,
And only stick to what is in the bible..
That also leads to some people misintepreting the content in the bible,
Stating that women are made to be inferior to men.
What load of bullshit!
Men are just taking advantage by using the name of God,
And I am not wrong that,
The most "religious" people,
Could be the most corrupted beings on earth.
Hypocrites I must say.
So save all your,
If you are that religious,
You wouldn't discriminate other beings.
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