Today is one of the longest day ever in campus!
I couldn't make myself to get outta bed this morning,
Somehow I managed to drag myself out of bed.
I was half awake throughout the day in campus..
My eyes were heavy like fuck..
And thank goodness my lecturers did more talking today than before..
I find myself forcing myself to stay awake throughout lesson which is so unlike me,
My functions classmates did their presentation today,
I guess it'll be my turn tomorrow..
I have so many tasks due this Wednesday..
Including my Biology test,
Which I am studying for it now..
Research to be done,
And more reading to catch up with.
Shah came in an hour late for History today,
Since he forgotten to switch the time to Malaysian time,
And Cambodia time is an hour earlier than Malaysia time..Xp
Class was surprisingly quiet today..
Mr Hanna asked us questions and he received lesser response from us than before..XD
Sorry sir for stoning during History today for my brain isn't working..=X
Mohamad posted the trip pictures in facebook already!
He's super fast!
I will transfer the 200++ pics into my lappie later..
Here's a sneak peak of the pictures taken in Cambodia!=)
I couldn't make myself to get outta bed this morning,
Somehow I managed to drag myself out of bed.
I was half awake throughout the day in campus..
My eyes were heavy like fuck..
And thank goodness my lecturers did more talking today than before..
I find myself forcing myself to stay awake throughout lesson which is so unlike me,
My functions classmates did their presentation today,
I guess it'll be my turn tomorrow..
I have so many tasks due this Wednesday..
Including my Biology test,
Which I am studying for it now..
Research to be done,
And more reading to catch up with.
Shah came in an hour late for History today,
Since he forgotten to switch the time to Malaysian time,
And Cambodia time is an hour earlier than Malaysia time..Xp
Class was surprisingly quiet today..
Mr Hanna asked us questions and he received lesser response from us than before..XD
Sorry sir for stoning during History today for my brain isn't working..=X
Mohamad posted the trip pictures in facebook already!
He's super fast!
I will transfer the 200++ pics into my lappie later..
Here's a sneak peak of the pictures taken in Cambodia!=)

Stole those from Mohamad's album in facebook!Xp
Till then..
PS : OMG! My brother just asked me if I know Surej. I couldn't remember that dude's name though we did hang around in Andrew's room on the first day of our trip and it just didn't occur to me that he's the same age as my brother when he told me he's sixteen. My brother asked me if I know him since he was his classmate back then. ITS SUCH A SMALL WORLD!! Haha! And I didn't know Surej before that trip. Actually I didn't know a lot of my mates from my course till I go for that trip with them. I didn't even know how funny some people can be. Imagine knowing a malay guy from Malaysia who can't speak a word of bahasa! LOL!
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