After we sat for our final paper for the semester,
We ventured into Bangsar for coffee and lunch :)
So we decided to have our lunch and coffee at Antipodean Cafe.
Since there's no mocha (well we didn't spot the moccahino in the menu),
Jyun and I diverted from our usual favourite choice of coffee to Cappucino and Latte.
I've forgotten what Jyun said about the Cappucino but the Latte is good enough.
Only thing is it's not hot.
I prefer my coffee hot.
It's milky and it doesn't taste too strong (it doesn't leave the acid like taste in my mouth after that) which is good cause I like it just like that.
I'm not a fan of latte for some reason but I quite like their latte there,
If they make it hotter (which I'll remind myself to request for a hotter drink in my next visit), it'll taste better:)
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The next day a few of us drove all the way to Kepong for Thai food :) I had Thai food for the first time with the bunch. Didn't really give it a thought to try thai food until Shine suggested that we should go to that place for Thai food. So we went to Thai Garden Village at Kepong. |
We had..
Tom Yam.
It's spicy and sour..
To me it tastes really spicy and sour enough for my taste buds.
I like it but it made my tongue burn..
Then again my tolerance towards spicy food are pretty low.
Jyun found it really spicy though. So IT IS really spicy..XD
His tolerance for spicy food is pretty high
Century Eggs and Chicken (can't remember the full name).
I only had a bit of this so it didn't leave much impression
But this dish finish pretty fast though.
Then again there were 16 of us.
Some beef pepper thingy.
Didn't leave much impression since I had only a tiny bit of it
This, is good.
Spicy mango salad :)
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Chicken Green Curry, the dish that left the most impression. It's my first try and I love it! It has alot of santan in it which obviously makes it taste so good. |
Fried kang kong
One of the best was the crispy kang kong.
I didn't snap any photographs of it since we everyone was busy eating and I didn't want to be rude.
Anyway, we have three plates of it with the sauce which we dipped in.
Crispy and flavourful :)
We also had steamed fish.
It doesn't really leave an impression too.
Because I only had a tiny bit of it and to me it tasted like the steamed fish that I had in other chinese restaurants.
Had this green looking drink which tasted soury.
Really refreshing after you had alot of spicy food.
Unfortunately I've forgotten the name of the drink.
I think it's pear with the soury thingy (asam?)
Watched This Means War too.
But they asked for my indentification card before I get to watch the movie since they thought I'm underage=.=
And apparently Tom Hardy and me shares the same birthdate :)
At least he's not the douchebag in the movie =p
Everyone share their experience here and this is really nice to read different kind of theories related to same topic. Everyone placing their different opinion and it shows diversity. Appreciate this platform.