I am back!
I've been super busy lately. Caught up with uni work. I hardly can find time to update my blog. Yes I am that swamped with work. So much so whenever I sat down and try to type a post for my site all I can think of is my work. And I know I wouldn't be able to come out with something interesting if I keep going on and on about my research.
For the past few weeks, I've handed in 2 assignments (or was it 3?). Conducted an experiment to test on brain hemisphere. Got home from campus at around 11.30pm just because my group mates and I havta work on our assignment since it's due the next day. Went for dinner with some of the bird gang. Got caught up in some group conflict, solved it, and moved on. Knew that I can't really rely on some people although they are meant to be treated like an adult. Skip a lot of meals just to work on my tasks, lost 1kg in one week, walked a lot (like A LOT!), met an accident for the first time, got freaked out multiple of times, and knew that I am not built to do last minute work (pictures below will explain everything).
The accident:
- I met an accident when I was on my way back from campus. A taxi driver, for some reason, didn't see the signal that I flashed ages before I switched lane, speed up suddenly and kissed my car's butt. Went to the police station for the first time to lodge a report although I know there's nothing that the police can do and also realized how sucky the police here are. Not only they are rude, but they are not exactly helpful at all. God knows why my parents dragged me to the station that Monday when I already feel super exhausted after one long day at campus. Damn you taxi driver. Since that accident I am wary of all taxi drivers on the road. They don't know how to use the signal apparently. Most of them will appear from no where. But I got home safe. Phew.=)
Group conflicts:
- As usual when you work in a group, you'll have a few of them who play their part as a social loafer. Not that I can force them to do much when the stuff that they do, they don't bother checking before submitting it to you cause they usually assume that the group leader will check everything for them and pick up their shit if their work isn't good enough. I am thinking if they want to flung this semester please don't pull me with them. Hence, I'll havta polish their work for them just so my grades wouldn't be affected. At least I have Kai Li and Chee Boon. Kai Li is super efficient when comes to getting things done and it's so much better to have someone like her to brain storm with. Chee Boon on the other hand, played his part to solve all the technical problems in the group.
At least I am not a last minute person. If I didn't insist that the rest of the group members to hand in their research findings a week before the dateline, the day before the dateline I'll be bawling instead of reorganizing all the research findings.
Most of us were busy working on a particular assignment. Even on the day of the dateline, we were still working on it. Polishing and reorganizing our work.
Pictures below explains everything:
We went to get our Frappucino from Starbucks before we went for dinner. Since we all need to stay awake longer, especially me, hence I need another doze of caffeine in my system.

My Mocha Frappucino.
I've been drinking a lot of coffee lately. Within one week, I drank at least 6-7 cups of coffee. Depending on whether I took a double doze of caffeine from the one I had the first thing in the morning to keep me going.
My classes had been long. Some are pretty draggy, namely Comm Skills class. It's a class where we all don't find it a point since everything that are being taught to use had been taught to us before so it's really redundant. Then again, our attendance is really important for that class. It's like Malaysian Studies. Crappy subject and an utter waste of time. We had to stayed back for that class TWICE a week. Pfft.
I can't go on a coffee diet when I consistently need to keep myself awake with the help of it. It's like a drug. Or a placebo effect. Maybe I don't need caffeine in my system, but if I don't consume it, I can't function properly. Oh no. I sound like someone with a coffee addiction. Darn it.
I also did my experiment. Managed to complete it within 2 days*grins*
The brain pic below that are scattered on the table is our assignment.
Jyun gave me a book=) He managed to get his friend from UK to hunt for the book for it. I can't find it here and I know that the bookstore in the UK should have it. Jyun surprised me with the book by placing it on my lap yesterday *grins*. Thank you so so sooooooo much, Jyun=D
Half a year
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