Today is Judgement Day!*grins*
I'm looking forward to bid goodbye to the month to May and say hello to the month of June although that will mean that my finals days will be drawing nearer and nearer to my door and it will also mean that it'll be the end of my second year semester one. Wow. Time really flies! I am still trying to grasp the whole idea that time is ticking faster than ever.
So yeah, I do not want the world to come to an end today. So God please give me an extension since I have a lot of duties here. I still need to save the world
So my break isn't all about catching up with assignments. Maybe for the first few days I am always in front of my laptop typing away. But after I am done with another research paper lit review I can almost feel the burden half lifted up from my shoulders although I am only 50% done with the other research paper which will be due on the 3rd of June (again, another reason why I want an extension to live, God. Not only I love my life, and I am making full use of it. I put in effort in my work and I bet you don't want it go wasted. Actually I don't want to have it go wasted). LOL!
Not like I believe in those 2012 and world will come to an end soon crap. It might come to an end, only if God swipe all all men in the world first. But that will only happen when the Y chromosomes disappear completely from the earth a billion years later and I have like how many years more to live? And if there's no library or books anywhere in the after life world, I don't think I wanna die just yet.X)Unless awesome and incredible authors are there to write and publish a book it'll be uber cool. Damn I shouldn't get carried away with those thoughts those awesome authors will be needed here to inspire others=)
No kidding. Not being sexist or something but the Y chromosomes will extinct one day. Biomedical researchers are trying to find another way out to it now.
Anyhoo, I had a movie night with Jyun on Wednesday to wind down*grins* We watched Fast Five. It was a pretty spontaneous plan. Anyhoo, it was a good movie. I super love the speed=D

We had our shooting for our video assignment which will be due..erm..I don't know when. Seriously, I don't remember given much of a thought for that subject. Pretty redundant subject cause we are learning the same thing and same terms over and over again. They should offer something cool for our compulsory subject (e.g., web designing, philosophy, anthropology, world history). Again, people will grumble more if they happen to ask us to do deeper stuff like philosophy, anthropology or world history. Only freaks have interest in those apparently. Heh. Sarcasm.
My definition for compulsory subject that they offer: A subject which is meant for you to feel obligated to bother about it and it's pretty much very redundant when comes the stuff that you are going to learn. In short, it's a utter waste of time.

I gotta stop ranting.
Gotta. get. started. with. work.
Have a pleasant weekend=)