The moon is shooo incredibly pretty today!!!
Went over to the British Council fair with Jyun today, and there's this obnoxious woman at the fair (local) who not only talk to us rudely when we wanted to enquire about some course that we are interested in pursuing in our Postgraduate study later, but she doesn't bloody know what is Developmental Psychology. For someone who is a representative from a supposedly prestigious university from the UK, she doesn't even know the different fields that we as a Psychology student can major in after our Undergraduate degree study. She even asked me to explain to her what is Developmental Psychology and that surprised me a whole lot more since a non-psychology student know very well about that field of study. And so I havta explain the field of study to her in my very own words although I wanted to leave that booth ASAP once she asked me what is the field about. Moron.
She was also very rude to us when we wanted to know more about the course too. Since we are both students and we weren't with our parents (most students who went to the fair were there with their parents) so she thinks we don't know better or something so she spoke to us rudely with a hint of contempt in her tone. Anyhoo, we ditched the brochure she gave us about the university aside after that since the university doesn't offer any course of our interest.
Anyway, bestie wrote an article about people who are born without emotions and psychopaths. That got me thinking. If only I am back to uni now, I can ask my lecturers about it. I'll be back for my second year soon anyway=)
So yeah, there are a lot to thing about..
This week is all about chilling and having fun. I've been hanging out at the malls a lot lately and I am sick of the malls already. Boo! It's because of my lil sis the other day, I was at the same mall throughout the day. At least Jyun was with me to keep me company and I got my first dark mocha from him!!!!=)

He seemed to enjoy the drink as much as I do=) Heh! Since it tastes like chocolate (Jyun's fav).
Although being in this field means there are a lot of different route to take. And sometimes I can be in the wrong route since the field is sooooooooo broad. There are a few things that interest me. And that makes it hard for me to decide which field to major in later. Then again, I have no regrets being in this route. I can't see myself doing a different course right now. Although before this, being a lawyer seemed like a pretty ideal job. Someone told me today that it's gonna be a challenging road to take. It takes not only guts to deviate from the norm but it also takes a whole load of faith in oneself to take this path. Cause when you deviate from the norm you get the unnecessary remarks from the people around you, mainly to discourage you from pursuing your passion, then again, faith keeps your mind on the path you'll be taking for the rest of your life.
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