Happy Vagina Valentines Day peeps!!
The ladies seemed to get all hyped up over that occasion. Yours truly however treats that occasion as another day to spend with her keeper:) I celebrated it a day earlier *grins*. Since I know that most of them will be celebrating today and I know that celebrating that occasion any day wouldn't make a difference.
And I like spending any one of my weekends with the keeper!^^
So Jyun turns out at my doorstep in the morning with sunflowers!♥♥
Instead of roses or tulips (since he knows that I dislike them). 5 Sunflowers for youth, beauty, faith, hope, and renewal & love. Since back then, I posted about the 4 reasons to my principles about sunflowers. Although I don't remember posting them in my blog, but the keeper remembers it, which is uberly sweet of him=p That's one of his speciality anyway, being able to make you feel like you are so important to him^^ The last principle which is renewal and love is from him. But why renewal and love? Heh. That, is for me to know *winks*
The rest of the day, we hang out like what we usually do when we have all the time to ourselves=)

Yours truly

My partner in crime=)
The restaurant that we had our lunch at were packed since it's a Sunday. So we only got this one seat left for us which makes me feel rather claustrophobic. I like having huge space all to myself, although I do not need much space.
Me : Awww..I like the seat in front of us. I wish we can sit there instead.
Jyun : Do you want to switch place then?
Me : Nuhhh..since we are here already..
When our food arrived. A waiter approached us, "Excuse me miss/mr can you switch seats to the table in front of you? *points at the table*"
Jyun grins widely and me as he told the waiter that it wouldn't be a problem for us to switch places to the table in front of us since that's where I want to have my lunch at. At a spacious cubicle=)
Before lunch, we hung out at our favourite place at the mall, namely the MPH bookstore. I saw this particular book from the section that I usually love exploring when I am at the store, while Jyun was at his favourite section which is somewhere near my favourite section. Anyway, I saw this book by James Patterson and I really really like the book. Only thing is it's so costly and it's way above my budget. Jyun wanted to buy it for me, but yeah I don't want him to. I told him that I can wait (something told me that I should wait as usual). And Jyun went like "Wait for what? I can get it for you now, I don't mind." And I told him that, sometimes, when I wait to get something, later I'll get it at a better and affordable price. Something that will make me content and super happy to own that book. It's like a rare find feeling. I like that feeling, a lot.
After lunch, we walked around the mall and checked out accessories designs. Even managed to get Jyun to find rare finds for me *grins*. We bumped into this MPH bookfair. And the books were all discounted. Jyun saw the exact book that I wanted, sold at half price and passed it to me "Isn't this the book that you wanted just now?"
You can guess the way I grinned when I saw that book=D And I shall quote Jyun, "You're right. The waiting is worth it." HAHAHA!*smiles*
Then we went for a stroll at some park. The rest of the day is just a serene splendid day spent with the keeper=)
My bestie is sooooooo sweet!*grins* Thank you sweets for being my partner in crime since young! I wuff you heaps!!!! And Tony is such an amazing partner in crime to someone like her=p
What did I do today? Spending the day like any other day.
Some asshole spoil my mood during lunch time, so I canceled my sushi lunch plan with the keeper. But something managed to work out later anyway^^
I like celebrating special occasion my way. I have someone to agree with me too!
♥ ♥
Have an awesome one peeps! Even if you are single (Valentines are for everybodeee). There's always your best friend to turn to or close bunch of friends. I have an awesome best friend and super awesome siblings=)
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