No wait..
That's not right...
Strike that out..
This week has been pretty eventful anyway although there's a few days to go before the week come to an end.
From being annoyed at one of my group mate for making us wait for his reply since we really need his student ID and the printers in the uni are all fucked up today, just when we really need it. So yeah, I was rather moody this morning with all the waitings.
Anyhoo, for the first time, I submitted my assignment rather late (after most of my classmates have handed in theirs), although I did submit it before the deadline which is 4 hours later after I submitted ours (group work, again, I hate group work).
Then Carmen drove Jyun and I to Pyramid for lunch with the rest of the classmates. The close knit group, but this time, we were lunching with the extended group (bird gang, no pics of the group with me, one day I'll post it up). Lunch was yummy, surprisingly. And it's my first proper chinese lunch with the classmates and I had RICE for lunch (which is rather rare for me to have rice during lunch or when I am out with the classmates).
After that, we "lou sang". I stole pics from Clarissa aka da jie:


Later, I hung out with my bestie and her boyfriend, Tony. Has heaps of fun with those two! And fyi, it's my first time hanging out with my bestie when she's with her boyfriend properly. Nice guy he is. I approve 150%!!*winks*
Even had my dose of Dark Mocha from Starbucks after ages, thanks to Tony!!!*grins*
The keeper got me my mocha for the past 2 days (thankyouverymuch, sunshine) since for the past 2 days, I spent such long hours at campus and so lil time sleeping..(except for last night, I KO-ed when I got back till this morning (overslept=X)
Bestie and I have this fascination for charm bracelet. We spot this really nice one at Empire just now, it has the things we like on it (bookes and dogs) but it's gold in colour. I don't like gold accessories. Bestie and I agreed that we like the bronze kind of accessories since it looks antique. I am a sucker for antique looking stuff when comes to accessories. I like looking at them although I don't own any. Charm bracelets are one of my weakness since I like looking at them, besides book but I like to own books.
I have all the books that I want in my collection, except for a few which are really costly. My partner in crime aka the keeper also has a fetish for books too. As nerdy as I may sound when I mention this, but I love hanging out with the keeper at the bookstore and I know he loves it as much as I do=)
My cousins flew back to Aussie last weekend. My cousin bro were pretty sad when he's about to leave that he teared=(

Jun Shen & Jun Yi, do come back soon alryte? Or maybe if I have the time, I can drop back Melbourne to hang out with both of you!*grins*
Sigh. I miss Melbourne.
I just finished drinking my dark mocha (Tony's treat) and I am craving for more. My mom doesn't like it though. I told her she's too old to enjoy such drinks..XD
Yesterday, a speaker got invited to talk to us about exotic pets. I am currently studying about pets behaviour as part of my subject for my 3rd sem, hence it comes in handy to learn about stuff like handling exotic pets and other stuff about exotic pets. We even get to play with lizards after the talk!! And also snakes!*grins* Lizards are such beautiful animal=D Not the house lizards fyi. Next week we'll get to see Dr Saga feeding the snake! Iabsolutelycan'twaittowitnessthat!
One of the lizards that we played with was the one below:)
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