This week has been a rather interesting week. I was caught in the incredibly massive traffic jam for at least 2 hours for the very first time on Thursday since I decided to stay back to my group discussion alongside with the one hour of sleep before I decided to drag myself to campus the day before. How I miss those days where I can decide not to go to school just because I wanna sleep in. So tempted to tell mom that I have a massive headache(a lie of course) and I don't wanna attend Thursday's lecture and tutorial which is of course rather impossible, knowing that I have to finalize a few stuff with Aruna regarding to the interview which we are supposed to conduct on Friday.
So yeah, I managed to survive my week without sleeping properly(especially Thursday) and it's all thanks to the help of caffeine =p
Anyway, I can't really recall what happened on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday. But I do remember what happened on Thursday and Friday. I finally met the bestie! She gave me my dosage of hope and the energy that I need for the next couple of hours that night. She still laughs at that humiliating incident which takes place in front of everyone 2 years back but at least I don't blush whenever she mentions that now. Gosh Davy, you will never leave that incident alone do you? I still love you regardless =)
Friday arrives and I receive a rather unexpected call from the kindergarten headmistress informing me that I have to get myself to the kindergarten in a few minutes to conduct the interview since the teachers will not be available after that. Quickly got myself ready, called Aruna for a few times before she finally texted me. Met the two very wonderful teachers who will be helping us with our interview. And after strings of questions and them putting up with our endless questions about their job(Thank you teachers!), the interview ended.
Stayed back for a while and entertained the kids. I used to spend my one month of break with them and now when I am back to the kindergarten after months, I do wonder if those kids will ever remember me. So lil Chloe and Michelle came into the room when I was half way interviewing the teacher, she greeted me and I looked up in surprise at the familiar voice and I saw Chloe staring at me, flashing me her shy smile and for a moment(a few seconds), I forgotten that I am conducting an interview since I got rather excited seeing lil Chloe again. But I managed to get my attention back to the interview of course. I'll be more than dead if the report didn't turn out right.
The other kids were having their mandarin class so they weren't in the same room when I conducted the interview(phew!). I decided to give the kids a surprise by standing by the door 10 minutes before they are done with their mandarin lesson(I can't be there earlier since they'll probably get distracted), and as I stepped into the other building, I saw a couple of them sitting quietly watching tv. It didn't occur to me that lil Gerard, lil Hui Sin, lil Eunice and the rest were the ones who were watching tv so attentively. But as I sat next to those kids, I saw those familiar faces and since I was sitting right next to Gerard, I managed to study his facial expression and he looked downright serious. For a while, I thought he has forgotten about me so I asked him, "Hey Gerard, remember me?" He looked up and there's this really furious look painted on his face. Thinking that he got mad at me for not informing them that I'll not be teaching them again, I decided to ask him what is wrong. Turns out that, he's furious at himself since he forgotten to bring along his shells to school. HAHA!
Caudia ran out and saw me. Began squealing with joy and after that she began chasing me around the room. The other kids who were staring at me when I was talking to Gerard stopped staring and decided to approach me. I have about 5 kids trying to bring me down by squashing me. Gerard forgotten that he's supposed to be mad at himself decided to join the fun. There were a lot of laughing and squealing from the kids and me but I havta stop them from being too loud since the 5 and 6 years old might find us rather distracting.
Read them stories and boy. I've forgotten how chatty some of them can be. I love to see their eager faces when they are trying to tell me something. Claudia on the other hand cannot sit still, as usual. And lil Jolyn was rather miffed at those kids for being so restless and it's so funny looking at Jolyn giving the other kids instructions when they barely listen to her. No wonder she began sulking. Lil Natalie got rather shy around me, which isn't surprising. But her vocabulary improves tremendously! She even grew taller! Even lil Jaslyn, got rather chatty.
I got Aidan's name mixed up. I called him Ethan instead of Aidan and he got rather mad at me. Whoops! My bad. I had so much fun being with them. Although it's only for a couple of minutes but they managed to distract me from thinking about the more serious stuff. Thank you little ones, you guys are amazing!
With the job analysis interview done and also the proposal for my workshop done, I feel a lil lighthearted. I am hoping that there'll be a couple of days break for us next week..=p
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