I've been really busy lately. Didn't have the time to update my blog properly.
Anyway, first up; my 19th birthday. I had to attend an extended tutorial class but we watched a movie that day so it's alright. I was dead tired by the end of my tutorial though, but I managed to stay awake for dinner with my family. The usual celebration(I wouldn't call it a celebration by now), with the family. But I am satisfied with celebrations like that, after all, I don't really have the luxury to have a mega celebration with my tasks screaming for my attention.
But the day after, I managed to celebrate my birthday with one of my favourite people, which is my bestie:) Since she wasn't around last year to celebrate my birthday with me and since I do not have much time last year to celebrate my birthday(but I did went for dinner with my favourite peeps from college), she insisted on celebrating my birthday with me this year and thank goodness for the Malaysia Day break, I have enough time for another round of celebration. More like a good catch up with the bestie!=)
We had Japanese for dinner(I love going for Japanese whenever I go out with the bestie) and we went Starbucking after that since we both wanna catch up on more stuff.
Thank you bestie, for the birthday treat!^^
And so sorry about your gramps. He's in a better place now.

Received tonnes of birthday wishes some of them were extremely pleasantly touching=') A good friend of mine wrote me a card which I find it really sweet of him to do so=)
So yeah, enough with the birthday cause I'm more excited about the datelines of my assignments, which matters more to me now. On my birthday I handed in my proposal for my Community Mental Health workshop project! So one down god knows how many more to go since yesterday Dr Alia decided to give us another assignment to do since she realized that we didn't read the journals that we are supposed to read before every lesson, hence we have another assignment to work on. Oh well.
I did my job analysis observation last Friday and today. I saw how much the kids that I used to teach months ago grow not only physically but mentally.
They were so eager to get their photographs taken by me. When I took out my camera, they started positioning themselves in front of me to get their photographs taken.
I saw how lil Jolyn taught her classmate how to work on her task when she's done with hers and how lil Yong Yuin helped Vee Lynn who was late to school since she only came during break time, by carrying her bottles for her when she's done eating. These kids are so eager to help each other. And I also spot how they develop in their fine and gross motor skills which includes organizing things.
I also realize that, I begin to look at things in a more psychological way. Without me realizing me, I try to find reasons to why certain people behaves in a certain way especially little children since I'm learning about their stage in my Development Psych class and I am trying to relate them to what I'm learning right now. Which is really fun.
But of course I don't study anyone or everyone. Somehow, it just hit me to relate things that I'm learning with the things that I'm experiencing right now.
Handed in my Social Psych essay yesterday, and it feels good to get another assignment done and handed in=) I think this week is one of my busiest week so far. I had quizzes to study for(which I didn't really do so), brain storming session to do(Jyun and I didn't managed to come out with any conclusion out of our brain storm session), assignments datelines to meet(two of them are due next week), and a symposium to attend tomorrow! Yay?=s
I went to this lantern festival celebration last week at the kindie and it's like one of those time where I get the chance to chill for a bit.
I love the new twitter!^^ And I think I am not the only one who is swamped by uni tasks, cause I know STPM and SPM peeps are busy with their exams preparation, so good luck guys! And I also know that my other uni mates will be sitting for their mid terms this month, good luck to you guys too. To my friends who just started their course, HAVE FUN? =)
Yeah, I added that smiley so I don't sound too unconvincing. Tee hee!=p
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