Finally met my bestie after months of not seeing her..
This time, I met my soul sister namely Elizabeth..
Since she tagged along..
We both love the same author..
We both don't believe in marriage..
We think it's not fair for women needing to get married when it's okay for men not to get married..
We also share the same view about our politicians..
She even speaks my language of politics!
This is my first time talking to Evon and Elizabeth in a proper settings..
Without any distractions,
If I didn't take that incident of my dog going nuts and bit Eli and I...
Eli and I had our lil incident with that dog of mine.
I got my face scarred and she got her hands bitten..
Both of us havta get jabbed and my muscles felt stiff after that..
It has been ages since I got myself jabbed so perhaps my muscles are not used to it..
Elizabeth has this tendency to apologize for EVERYTHING!
I might as well call her Sorry Elizabeth instead of Elizabeth Hendroff..XD
It was good being able to catch up with the girls properly,
I've heard a lot about them from my bestie but I didn't really get the chance to know them..
I knew Elizabeth back then since she was in the same Physics tuition as I am..
But, I don't really know her either..X)

Davy toyed around with my phone..
Since I told her that I got myself a new phone..
And it was my first time picking her up from her place,
Instead of my dad doing that job for me..
Davy commented feeling unsafe sitting in the car that I am driving..
But I told her that I am not allowed to drive like how I am usually on the road with passengers in the car..

I <3>
Sorry to freak you out..
I am not speaking to my dog now..=(
I met my nephew at a bachelor night party..
He's gonna turn 2 years in September, but he looks like 4..
Since he is uber tall for a kid!
I am not surprised if in the next 3 years time,
He'll be taller than I am..>.<

He's the most cheerful kid ever!
And I don't know what is it with kids and my brother,
They all love him!!
Almost any kids will willingly sit on my bro's lap or allow him to carry them..
Watched Argentina vs Nigeria yesterday out of boredom at my aunt's place.
Decided to stay up at night to watch the US match against England..
To see England trashing US cause I am so very confident that England will win the match..
But to my mere disappointment, none of those team won!!!
Since I am not taking any sides for that match for I do not mind if US wins the match cause it'll be a rather interesting record in the World Cup or neither do I mind if England wins it since I am so damn confident that England will win the match hands down..
I stayed up to watch for that frigging draw match!!!!
What a disappointment.
I was practically screaming at the tv for a replay when the US scored,
Since Green made a mistake..
Not realizing that the everyone at home is asleep and I should be more considerate..
Cause I thought nobody will hear me since I am alone upstairs watching the match,
No thanks to my lil brother who went to bed early and ditched me alone at night to watch it alone at home..
And this afternoon when I woke up my mom told me that I scare the daylight outta her..
When I was shouting upstairs at the tv=_____="
So much for thinking that they are all soundly asleep in their room to be able to hear me..
Why oh why..
Nobody wins yesterday!?!?
My brother even got the nerve to tell me that his friends thinks its the most interesting game ever!
No wonder I am cranky today..
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