Since I've slept yesterday noon for such a long hours to even consider that as a nap,
I know I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight,
Hence, I'll be spending my night reading.
I'm done with my assignments and I've handed them in yesterday in the morning,
And although I have my finals coming up to study for besides having a couple of essays to write, But that can wait.
After all, reading have been the most essential thing in my life,
Just like drinking and eating..
I doubt I'll be able to live longer without books with me..
So I've finished reading the book by Cathy Glass..
She's an amazing author.
I almost forgotten that it's a true story that I am reading..
I teared a lil towards the end of the story..

"The power of the mind. We didn't speak of it, it wasn't dealt with, so as far as you were concerned that it didnt happen, then it didnt."
It's funny how memories work..
Or in my case, I like to phrase it as..
The mind can work wonders.
This character in the story..
She just couldn't recall what her uncle did to her when she was thirteen..
So ten years after the incident(which means, she's already 23), she finally went back to her aunt and uncle's place..
And Sarah, who used to be her best friend..
Was forgotten just like that(not really forgotten, but she stopped speaking to her)
Though they spent every single summer break together and she used to stay over at her uncle's place when she was younger..
But after that, the staying over at Sarah's place and visiting her uncle stopped,
And she couldn't even remember what causes the "misunderstanding" between them.
When Mandy(the character with amnesia), finally met her uncle John..
She couldn't remember what happened to her in that place where she used to spend most of her time in with uncle John and aunt Evelyn..
But then again, she has been having flashbacks of her past..
She finally managed to recalled what happened to her 10 years back..
Tried to pick herself up all over again and try to come to terms with what happened to her in the past..
So I am just thinking..
That her memory got sorta distorted just to protect herself cause since that incident, she managed to moved on but she always have been rather distant with men.
Mandy's parents helped her to cope with the whole situation,
By cutting off any possible connection with Sarah's family, and not to speak of it to her about it anymore. Hence when a situation isn't dealt with, when someone is trying to pretend that certain things didn't occur to them, then it wouldn't hurt so much.
Just like how tortoises retreat themselves into their shells thinking that they can disappear just like that, by running away from reality.
Little do these people know..
That sometimes..
You can't run away forever from the plain truth of life..
Regardless of how ideal it'll be for the mind to erase such painful memories from the core of the brain, but what they should know is..
There are memories that will be embedded in the long term memory,
Hence there's no possibilities for those memories to be erased but it can be forgotten unless it's triggered by a certain thing that might remind them of those painful memories.
(Or perhaps you have your frontal lobe smashed against something then those memories could be erased)
All those painful memories came flooding back to Mandy is due to the pieces of things that triggered those memories that had been saved in the RAM of the brain.
I am still amazed by how the brain works.
Although I havta wait till I'm in my second year to be able to learn more about the human brains...
But I guess..
Some people deal with trauma by trying to forget about it through keeping quiet about the whole thing, since for some of them not talking about it, might help them to believe that the whole crazy mazy painful and heart shattering thing didn't occur to them.
Only thing is Cathy Glass's books are rather expensive though.
I've read Damaged by her,
Which is a good book too..
Popular has a good price for this book that I've just read..
I love ranting about good books..
Not only I managed to give the author credits for writing such a good book,
It also helps me in some ways to digest what I've just read..
I used to have a good friend or an adult to talk to about something that I've just read..
Back in my high school days since what I usually do if I don't like a particular subject or if I find that lesson a waste of time(such as English, Bahasa, Biology, Physics) I'll skip them.
Since I always have reasons to skip those lesson..
I usually dwell into the luxury of being able to skip those lousy lessons and have a long discussion with Miss V and my bestie about something that we've just read or any other good reads.
That's mainly because I used to love literature a whole lot than the other subjects that I did back then..X)
I shall stop my endless ranting for now...
Since I wanna get back to reading..Xp
And owh!
I might ditch my MSN account for Skype.
Jyun managed to persuade me to get a Skype account..
In return, he got himself a Twitter account!=D
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