Jodi Picoult has just release her new book!!
The one below :

Since its still new..
I think they'll have that gigantic size book printed instead of the usual smaller ones that I usually purchase..
And I am actually hoping that the coming book fair will have that book..
I might actually buy that book without bothering if there're any discount for it or not..=X

Oh yeah..
A few weeks ago(can't remember when)..
I read that book above by Khaled Hosseini..
He's an author for The Kite Runner(I still am hunting for the book actually),
Its a good read.
I must give that author credit for doing such a brilliant job writing that book..
And all the time when I was reading that book I've been wondering what makes him understand issues like that so intensely.
I usually read books with themes like that from a women since they are usually writing for their experience.
He's such an awesome writer:)
He transports me to another world just like how good authors will do..
And that reminds me of another book that I've read..
I've forgotten the title of the book..
Since I don't really like the story line(its downright dull)
Same thing over and over again, predictable..
Though its written based on the author's experience..
But still..
I gotta give her credit for writing and publishing that book..
Did I mention anything about my all time favourite bookstore in this country?
Its not that hard to dig for good reads,
Since there are heaps of good authors around..
Not to say I am not selective when comes to reading,
But reading books from a different range of authors is an eye opening experience?
Though I don't remember reading any books from our local writers, except for that Sweetheart from Hell, which I find it a utter waste of time reading it..
And gosh!
I love that expression of a "sweetheart from hell".
Anyway, my point is..
That I absolutely love spending time in the MPH bookstore.
It has been ages since I've been in there(a few months maybe)..
Compared to the year before..
I usually visit the store a couple of times a week?
The smell of new books and the bookstore itself is that intoxicating..
And all I havta do after a not so good day is to spend my time in that bookstore browsing at books..
Though I havta refrain myself from purchasing a couple of books whenever I am in that store.
*checked mphonline*
Sophie Kinsella has another new book..
And Cecelia Ahern too!
Right right..
Those are chick-lit books and are books meant for me to have a good laugh reading them..
Come to think about it..
I actually have endless list of books that I would wanna get my hands on..
And yesh, I love Sophie Kinsella's books..
She has this tendency to make me laugh so hard reading her books..
I remember the first book from her that I read which is Can You Keep a Secret,
A birthday present from Audrey, but a bitch borrowed it and lost that precious book of mine..
Anyway, that book made me laughed so much that I teared and I think that book is the reason why Audrey and I were so close back then..X)
Jeez! I can't wait for the bookfair!^^
I know I've been jumping from this subject to that..
But that's the thing about books..
It makes me feel uber excited over the prospect of owning them..
*look over my shoulders at my bookshelves*
I think I'll havta make space for my new book collection..
Good thing that my parents are cool with me buying heaps of books at once..
And good thing that I've managed to brainwashed my lil sis into the habit of reading cause the next thing I am gonna do is to manipulate her into buying heaps of books at once just like me, then we can both swap!:)
But for now, I am the one who buy her all the books she wants..
She has this tendency to talk to me into buying things for her=____=
Like yesterday, she managed to get me to buy her a soft toy(she's a fan of those)..
But my mom doesn't allow me to get that for her..
Since she has tonnes of them at home already..
Yeah yeah..
I am blabbering here..
Just had my cup of coffee and its pouring and its Sunday and I woke up from a nightmare and mom gave me a piece of her mind(well sorta) and ugh..
Yaaaa daaa yaaaa daaaa...
I am gonna stop her and get going with my tasks.
Till then..
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here"
-William Shakespeare-
PS : Did I tell you guys that I am so lucky to have my mom and dad as my parents? Cause I very well know that I don't wanna be a daughter of some good for nothing parents.
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