Since the year is coming to an end..
I shall wrap things up here..
Knowing that 2009 is such an incredible year for me..
In 2009..

Just for the sake of killing my time during my summer break,
I've put my name to be a tutor for Jules in the Fly Fm back to school competition..
My group won the title of "The Smartest Tutor" and I got cash for winning that competition.
Attended prom for the first time..
(My former school doesn't have stuff like proms)
Discover my new addiction for Twitter!=)
Working till the wee hours of the day..
Just to get things done..
First experience in the Bon Odori event..
I'm not a fan of Japanese stuff,
But my brother wanted to see how is it like so we went together..

I turned 18th..
Legal in some ways..
Freedom is still pretty much restrained in my case..
I still have curfews(thats for having such conservative parents like mine)
Haven't hit the club just yet(not sure if I will)..
Drinking? LOL!
Are you kidding me!? Of course I drink! With a limit(I don't think I wanna drink myself wasted, maybe I'll try later;p)

I was that close to him. ♥
Starstruck fans=)
Spot me in the crowd=D

The voice of an angel^^
My favourite picture of the year!
I've posted this up a few times..
You guys probably got sick of it already..
But wth, I still wanna put this up♥
First time abroad..
Without parental guidance=P
I had a blast!
Spent time with the kids there..
TheĆ½'re such fun people to be with=)

I've made new friends, whose different personalities, backgrounds and family lives have made me see new things, one way or another.
These two were the first few people I've met in college..

My hangout mates
Lecturers & mentors who left such an impact on me..
Miss Dougals, she's a trainee lecturer of mine

Mr Wise and PamThe father, the mentor, the lecturer and the one who all look up to

Mr Meyer, such a cool Chemistry lecturer!
And to think all Science teachers are supposed to put us to sleep during lesson..
Not if you have him as your Chemistry lecturer=)
History is not supposed to be dull..
Nor its all about memorizing and swallowing facts after facts into your brain cells..
Mr Hanna made History so enjoyable^^
My Biology lecturer, Ms Fikar..
Believe it or not, I actually miss her nags now..=/
She's different in a good way=D
Last but not least,
Ms Joanne, my Functions lecturer(I didn't manage to snap a picture with her)
But of all Maths teacher that I've came across with so far..
I am gonna remember her for not making maths lesson so dull..
(Besides Kawsy, my high school tuition math teacher)

I am sooooo glad that I've chose ICPU as my choice of pre-uni course instead of SAM=)
I probably wouldn't figure out what do I wanna do next if its not for the awesome lecturers and the stuff that I did throughout this course. I received "that look" from my "friends" when they asked me what pre u course am I pursuing and when I gave them the answer they all go like, "Are you going to Canada?", or "I thought you are doing A levels?" or "Why do you do that course when you are not planning to go to Canada anyway?"
Well screw those people who thinks that this pre u course can only bring me as far as Canada! I actually have a wider opportunities and options for me to choose from for doing this course. I got to figure out what am I good at and the stuff that I am passionate about and are willing to major in if its not for the choice of subjects given for us to choose from in this course.
I get the chance to learn stuff that I have deep interest in like History and Literature and at the same time, having to put up with boring Maths and Sciences. There're definitely no options for me if do a pre u course like A Levels or SAM for I hardly have much choice there but to put up with boring Maths and Sciences subjects.
What I like about this course is the whole new education system they provide us with. Most of the have this wrong perception that ICPU are for students who are not bright enough and need assignments to help them to boost up their grades, but one thing you guys should know is that, not only we are given assignments and research after research to do in this course, but we were tested most of the time and for that it kept us on track with our studies and our tasks. The last minute mugging thing doesn't apply to me no more since there's no such thing like quizes or sub unit tests are a waste of time for they are all taken into account. I sorta like the way they make us work consistenly in this course since it prevented me from being lazy..XD
Who said my course isn't recognize, I just got a place in my university^^
2009 is indeed an eventful year=)
The year 2008 might be bleak for me. But I am willing to leave those days behind and move on with my brand new life in college. It was amazing! The changes, I mean was amazing. It makes me realize that every ending there's a new beginning and gawd, I am so blessed to be who I am now.
Compare to the years before this, I think I've learnt a lot from my peers and the people that I've came across with. I've learnt how to accept certain things in life, that things do happen for a reason, not to be afraid to make a mistake and not to cry over that mistake, to be someone who has the capability to cope with certain situations that tend to blow me off when I am face with that certain situation, not to run away from things and mostly to have a little more faith in myself.
Perhaps I did met people that were for keeps. I don't know really but time is what we can call a foe or a friend as it'll reveal things for us eventually. Only thing is the waiting might be excruciating painful, nevertheless its worth the wait. One year is too short but within a year, such shocking bunch of momentous moments.
This is a short chapter in my book.
I can't envision what is next for me..
No matter how much I tried to imagine how is it like for me after this..
I can't be so sure that things will turn out like how I hope it'll be..
For that..
I absolutely am sorta excited yet nervous to welcome the year 2010..
In 2009, I managed to fulfil the few resolutions that I've came out with to work on fulfilling them myself. The list of things that I do wanna achieve are as below :
1) Figure out what I wanna major in (achieved)
2) Stay away from any kind of real life drama
(achieved, super hate dramas, got over those)
3) Watch David perform live in my very own country
(achieved, though it was supposed to be a dream but holy crap! What's more, I even met him in person too! Boy! I almost die of sheer happiness!XD)
4) Get David's autograph (GOT IT! FRIGGING THREE OF THEM WITH ME=D)
5) Find out what true friends are for (achieved)
6) Learn to have a lil more faith in my own abilities (achieved)
7) Graduate with a diploma (achieved)
8) Going abroad (achieved)
9) Learn how to prioritize (achieved)
10)Not to get things done last minute (Huge success, I think=p)
11)Reaching out (in a way I think I did)
I didn't actually fulfil most of my resolutions though for I am still working on certain things.
In two days time,
I'll bid goodbye to the year 2009,
A year that confuses me so much but at the same time, it brings so much joy to me. I like the way things ended this year^^ And I will welcome 2010 with enthusiasm for I got a feeling that 2010 will be a mark of a new beginning.
PS :I am actually having a mixture of feeling about the year that is about to come to an end. Time to come out with a new resolution^^