I'm taking a break from researching and thinking.
Man, I am exhausted.
Been facing the screen for 5 hours,
(Almost in a row, since I took 30 mins break)
I've been overwhelmed by the pile of things to do since I got back to campus for my second semester.
During my last couple of weeks of my break..
I've been helping my cousin sister with her preparation.
And the weekends before I get myself back to campus,
I had a get together with my other cousins for some reason..
Jade brought me out for an ice-cream treat=p

And later bought me House Rules from Jodi Picoult which is a book that I wanted so much to get my hands on(thank you Jade!!!), which I've been reading for the past few days besides juggling with the endless tasks given by my lecturers for us along with the given datelines which are rather close to each other.
What I didn't expect to face when I got myself back to campus is:
The loooooooooooong lectures which lasts for 3 hours with so many things for us to take in which I couldn't of course and that requires me to go through the notes later when I got back home after I freshen up myself, which is something that I usually do during the weekends instead of the weekdays during my first semester.
Not understanding the many business terms during my Organizational Psychology lecture and tutorial class(at least it wasn't that bad during my tutorial class since it involves group work and I can always ask Jyun or Umaimah if I don't understand the terms). I am never a business students, in fact I know nuts about business though my dad is a business man and my mom is an accountant. My point to the whole thing is that, I am learning to understand business terms which is what I don't bother to understand before this and perhaps by understanding them I shall make my parents proud when I can throw in a few business theories or discussion when they are around (which is also NOT possible). Anyway, words like personnel, investment, organizational, and any other business scares me.=X
Having 9 assignments in line alongside with the datelines which are pretty close to each other, just when I thought there will be 2 assignments for each subjects, but I thought wrong when Dr Alia gave us THREE assignments to work on for our Mental Health subject. Assignments which includes 15 pages of essay, 3k words of essay, interview, writing up a report after the interview, observation(which is rather interesting I must say), and of course research.
The endless journal reading. Which, isn't a surprise but still, this time, I'll be a slave to journals and at the same time balancing it up with other reading materials that I am expected to read.
The effing traffics! Oh.my.gawd. You can't imagine how long is it for me to reach campus on Monday and Thursday(can't remember how long it took for me to reach campus in between). Usually I only need 25-30 minutes to get myself to campus, but on Monday and Thursday, it took me donkey years to get my ass there(effing 1 hour plus man!) I even got car sick=_____= I am hoping that the traffic wouldn't be that bad next Monday or any days next week.
Only getting a couple hours of sleep when it's only my first week in my second semester since I got carried away working on my tasks.
Having to conduct a workshop. I did that before but I did that individually. No I mean well I worked with one of my partner and another one is when I had to do them individually which is fine. But this time, I'm placed in a group of four to get them done and I will be working with Su Yin, Charles, and Bonolo. Which I am fine with them actually(thank goodness for that) but I am not so sure about Bonolo though. Either way, I am hoping that there wouldn't be any social loafing knowing that I can't tolerate them.
Good thing I do not have class on Friday.
I need that day off to get things organize for a bit and to get myself together.
Dr Priya is really really funny.
It's a true blessing that I have her as my Social and Organizational Psych lecturer since she'll be teaching us most of the time this semester and as for Dr Alia, she's only gonna teach us once a week(without tutorial too!)
Quote from her, "I'll keel you!"
*with an indian accent*
Dr Priya also allows us to pick our own group for our assignment
Ok, enough ranting.
I should get myself away from the screen for a while.
I'll go blind if I continue staring at it.
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