Sunday, August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
A better week after all

The end of one heck of a killer week!
Despite of the rather hellish week..
There is still something for me to laugh about which is good.
So I am in the midst of wrapping my books before I get myself freshen up,
(Man, the traffic had been a real bitch lately)
Thinking about the good stuff in life and the other bestie of mine..
And she texted me.
Shared with me an incredibly good news and oh boy!
That, really made my week and my day.
Congratulations and don't be sorry that you have to tell me through a text message cause I know the situation doesn't allow us to do a proper catching up. But, I knew there's something going on between you guys.
Note: You better treat my bestie well or else...
(yes, that's a threat)
And Jyun has been such a dear to me this week^^
And I thank him for putting up with my shit.
It has been a pretty rough week(especially the first two days of the week). But I think it just got better.
PS: I miss you heaps!!! But do take care for now^^ All the best with your preparation for the BIG DAY!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Dark age
I realize that some people don't like the truth. In fact, bending the truth seemed to be the most important thing right now. The constraint of freedom of speech and expression can make someone a real dummy. Sensitivity towards certain issues, means we shouldn't talk about it or it should be be buried underground so that we don't have to attend to it just because nobody cares.
A single word can leads toward aggressiveness. What about the need to learn and the need for a new perspective in things? You follow blindly to the rules and regulations without questioning the "authority" cause you are not supposed to do so supposedly.
It's something like moving towards the Dark Ages from the period of Enlightenment. Adjustments have to be made in order to survive and in order to prevent the pieces from falling apart.
I don't like the feeling. But I'm adjusting.
I miss those times during those heated debates about important and sometimes sensitive issues. It's funny when I recall those moments cause right now silence seemed to be the ultimate salvation for people who has the views of their own about things.
Though I'm trying not to allow the other part of me to die just like that, but at times it's rather tiring to be slightly different. Just because I am not built to conform.
Monday, August 23, 2010
David Archuleta

My ultimate source of distraction to refrain myself from thinking about the never ending tasks. Oh boy! It's only my first week of my second semester, but it feels like a month or so already. And I'm not the only one since Jyun told me it feels like 10 months since we got back for our second semester.
At least I am doing things that I like doing hence I don't really mind the work load.
I guess.
It's 11:11pm, make a wish
Saturday, August 21, 2010
House Rules

There are times when Jacob's world makes a lot of sense to me than the one rest of us live in. Why do people ask people how they are doing when we don't give a crap about the answer? Is Mr. Jennison asking me that question because he's worried about me, or because it's something to say to fill up the air between us?
"I'm okay," I say, because old habits die hard. If I were like Jacob, I would have answered directly: I can't sleep at night. And sometimes, when I run too fast, I can't breathe. But in reality, someone who asks you how you're doing doesn't want to hear the truth. He wants the pat answer, the expected response, so that he can go on his merry way.
It is from House Rules, written by my favourite author, Jodi Picoult.
The passage makes so much sense to me since it directly explains why do I always automatically give the same answer to questions like "How are you doing?" or "How are you?". Like a well rehearsed phrase that I use over and over again, I'll say "I'm fine" or "I'm good" and at times, "I'm cool" without meaning it since like what Jodi Picoult mentioned above,"in reality, someone who asks you how you're doing doesn't want to hear the truth. He wants the pat answer, the expected response, so that he can go on his merry way."
Another, I like to sound optimistic despite of how bleak things can be..
After all, how far will self sympathy will lead me to anyway..
And like what Dr Priya says, "Who says life is fair? Nobody says so."
Or what a friend used to tell me "Life's a piece of shit, deal with it."
The "How are you" cliche, is something if you're a stranger to that person whom you wanna check out acts as a way to initiate conversation thinking that, the conversation will revolve around that question. But, since the phrase is overused, one may begin to wonder if that someone is just being nice and probably wanting to appear to be friendly and later go straight to the whole point of wanting to check on the person.
That is something, that I don't bother to do, but I've been the ultimate prey to answering the how are you's question and putting up with the speechlessness after answering the question and as a result, ending the conversation(I can't even call them a conversation to begin with!). I'll ask you how's everything instead of how are you since I DO REALLY wanna know how are things for you and I don't go around asking anyone that question.
But honestly, why bother asking someone such question when your intentions are not sincere anyway? You might as well ask the wall the exact question cause it makes no difference if the only answer you can get is "I'm fine", "I'm good" or "I'm alright". Then again, to me, it's a half hearted question so the answer provided explains everything.
Funny, I just gave the exact answer to some dude online. Yeah, SOME DUDE. Which means some stranger.
It's so much better to listen to a good friend of yours asking you "How's life?" instead of that stupid "How are you?" cliche.
House Rules by Jodi Picoult is a super duper good read. After all, I've been wanting to read that book since it got released a month or two ago! If you have an interest in court case, extreme cases, or an unpredictable ending to a story, Jodi Picoult books suits you best 
I know I suck as an advertiser, but she deserves the credit for the books that she wrote.
Friday, August 20, 2010
I'm taking a break from researching and thinking.
Man, I am exhausted.
Been facing the screen for 5 hours,
(Almost in a row, since I took 30 mins break)
I've been overwhelmed by the pile of things to do since I got back to campus for my second semester.
During my last couple of weeks of my break..
I've been helping my cousin sister with her preparation.
And the weekends before I get myself back to campus,
I had a get together with my other cousins for some reason..
Jade brought me out for an ice-cream treat=p

And later bought me House Rules from Jodi Picoult which is a book that I wanted so much to get my hands on(thank you Jade!!!), which I've been reading for the past few days besides juggling with the endless tasks given by my lecturers for us along with the given datelines which are rather close to each other.
What I didn't expect to face when I got myself back to campus is:
The loooooooooooong lectures which lasts for 3 hours with so many things for us to take in which I couldn't of course and that requires me to go through the notes later when I got back home after I freshen up myself, which is something that I usually do during the weekends instead of the weekdays during my first semester.
Not understanding the many business terms during my Organizational Psychology lecture and tutorial class(at least it wasn't that bad during my tutorial class since it involves group work and I can always ask Jyun or Umaimah if I don't understand the terms). I am never a business students, in fact I know nuts about business though my dad is a business man and my mom is an accountant. My point to the whole thing is that, I am learning to understand business terms which is what I don't bother to understand before this and perhaps by understanding them I shall make my parents proud when I can throw in a few business theories or discussion when they are around (which is also NOT possible). Anyway, words like personnel, investment, organizational, and any other business scares me.=X
Having 9 assignments in line alongside with the datelines which are pretty close to each other, just when I thought there will be 2 assignments for each subjects, but I thought wrong when Dr Alia gave us THREE assignments to work on for our Mental Health subject. Assignments which includes 15 pages of essay, 3k words of essay, interview, writing up a report after the interview, observation(which is rather interesting I must say), and of course research.
The endless journal reading. Which, isn't a surprise but still, this time, I'll be a slave to journals and at the same time balancing it up with other reading materials that I am expected to read.
The effing traffics! Oh.my.gawd. You can't imagine how long is it for me to reach campus on Monday and Thursday(can't remember how long it took for me to reach campus in between). Usually I only need 25-30 minutes to get myself to campus, but on Monday and Thursday, it took me donkey years to get my ass there(effing 1 hour plus man!) I even got car sick=_____= I am hoping that the traffic wouldn't be that bad next Monday or any days next week.
Only getting a couple hours of sleep when it's only my first week in my second semester since I got carried away working on my tasks.
Having to conduct a workshop. I did that before but I did that individually. No I mean well I worked with one of my partner and another one is when I had to do them individually which is fine. But this time, I'm placed in a group of four to get them done and I will be working with Su Yin, Charles, and Bonolo. Which I am fine with them actually(thank goodness for that) but I am not so sure about Bonolo though. Either way, I am hoping that there wouldn't be any social loafing knowing that I can't tolerate them.
Good thing I do not have class on Friday.
I need that day off to get things organize for a bit and to get myself together.
Dr Priya is really really funny.
It's a true blessing that I have her as my Social and Organizational Psych lecturer since she'll be teaching us most of the time this semester and as for Dr Alia, she's only gonna teach us once a week(without tutorial too!)
Quote from her, "I'll keel you!"
*with an indian accent*
Dr Priya also allows us to pick our own group for our assignment
Ok, enough ranting.
I should get myself away from the screen for a while.
I'll go blind if I continue staring at it.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
David Archuleta
So David's new single video is out.
I have no words to describe how much I love watching him in action.
David is sooooo real..
So true to himself.
We all love him for that=)

I trying to fake a smile.
Not good enough?
Then I shouldn't give a crap.
I am feeling rather sleepy already but my brother just wouldn't leave me alone.
I will blog more later.
For now I can't think straight.
Even my tweets are filled with quotes from my brother..
"If there's a will, there's a dead man," my bro
Monday, August 2, 2010
The quest to survive
My bro came into my room and throw me a question..
My bro's answer is funny and I know Jyun might appreciate things like that..
So I decided to ask him the same question, but I changed the question instead..
I came out with a scenario..
Without thinking that Jyun is more creative than I am..
I've cropped out a few conversations of ours to make things shorter..
Only highlighting most of Jyun's answer since its..
Funny but creative..X)

My bro's version is to choose th 3rd door with lions that didn't eat for 10 years in it since the lions are all dead since they weren't fed for 10 years.
Jyun's version is funnier..
Maybe it's because I didn't expect that from him..
Perhaps I did cause I know how funny Jyun can be and knowing that Jyun is in one of his creative and bizzare moods right now(he first came out with stories about his ancestors owning a gun warehouse in Damansara)..
Gawsh that was unexpected.
At the same time, I can't help smiling at Jyun's answer..X)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Hello August

It sucks when two of your favourite sites are down for maintainance.
But Twitter is so cute.
Well I find the picture above cute..X)
The whale annoys me tremendously!
Thank goodness it's not the whale who is greeting me when I logged into my Twitter..
Oh wells.
Might as well update my blog istead..
Since I am having a writer block.
Not a good idea to update my blog but wth.
I've been helping my cousin sis with her kindergarten preparation.
Since she'll be recruiting students in October,
There are heaps for her to prepare and to get them done..
For the past few days it has been really hectic for us..
We have been meeting with endless book suppliers, tailors, internal designers, and stationary suppliers..
Anyway, I managed to take some snapshots of our tasks..

There's this place in Setia Alam which has such unique oil sticks..
The ones you can get it from the market is nothing compare to the ones I had in that restaurant..
It comes in various flavours but I think my favourite is the chocolate flavour ones=p

Banana flavour

Chocolate flavour

Garlic flavour
I sorta miss studying.
At the same time, I am feeling pretty nervous for the upcoming semester,
Again, I do not know what to expect.
It's August already and I am supposed to be excited about it..
But for some reason, I am hoping that August won't come to an end so soon..
Although I know that there'll be something to look forward to in December..X)
Today I finally had the chance to sleep in..
It's so satisfying, I mean the feeling of being able to sleep in..=P
But I kinda regretted it when I woke up today noon.
Hello August, 2010.
Goodbye July, 2010.
Please treat me well August, 2010.
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