Our driver, namely Ju Lin took us to Bukit Tinggi for dinner..
With the help of Chai leading the way..Xp
Since Ju Lin has a bad sense of direction like I do..
Short people=)
Only can see half of her face in the mirror..
But we short people rawk socks!^^
Suddenly thought of Mei Shan mentioning about "Papa rich"
Chai showed us one of his picture of him looking "cute"..
Ju Lin blurted out porn star when she saw that photograph of Chai..Xp
For some reason she thinks Chai looks like a porn star in that picture..
We went for dessert in a dessert restaurant..
And gave each other "how to give a cute pose" to the camera lesson..Xp
Shyt. Chai looks darn ghey in this pic!
As usual.. being her super restless self..Xp

Then again, this pic looks as if she wanna fart but she's trying not to=X
Ju Lin looks darn cute!
Hahhaha!! Like a little kid=p
I had a blast with them!
Ju Lin's randomness lightened up the atmosphere..XD
And Chai's gheyness!
And mind you!
I am not a grown up just because I start going to Starbucks=.=
Ju Lin and Chai will get what I mean by that,
Since the two clowns are the ones who came out with that!
And no.
I learn how to spaz from Ju Lin...
On our way to Papa Rich,
Out of the blue,
Ju Lin apologized for staring at the traffic light which turned yellow..
Since Chai asked her a question and her mind was wandering..=.=
While she was DRIVING!
Her mind actually wander when she's driving!o.O
But I got back home in one piece..
(She's a safe driver and she drove me around a couple of times)
Only thing is her mom's MyVi looks spacey when she drove it..Xp
I mean when she's sitting on the driver seat..
She looks tiny!=)
We came out with the theory that short people tend to think faster,
Hence when short people get together,
They'll have more things to talk about..
We rawk being short!=D
Too bad she'll be going back to Kedah this Friday=(
And will be coming back again in December!
We go shopping in December kay??=p
Though I know its rare for you to go shopping,
PS : I love hanging out with these two people the so called "retards" and "adults"
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